slan's blog


我的 2023

我的 2023

2023 年就要结束了。这是我第一次完全不工作的一年。令我失望的是,我并没有在我的计划上取得显著的进步,比如建立一个挣钱的服务,或者移民到加拿大。时间过得如此之快,我浪费了太多的时间,这让我感到非常难过。不过,时间总是在流逝,让我感到满足的是,我现在至少知道了如何生活。





- 第三层:连接 // 他提供什么,他在社会组织什么位置
  - 系统
  - 产品
- 第二层:能力 // 他能做什么
  - 存储:知识
  - 处理器:思考能力
- 第一层:身体 // 他拥有的
  - 健康
  - 年龄
  - 力量
  - 能量

中国有句古话: 一命二运三风水四积阴德五读书,六名七相八敬神九交贵人十养生,也是类似结构,从人能控制的部分倒着来的, 先养生,再读书,再靠命运。



  • 跑步很多,每周20-30公里,完成了半程马拉松,用时2:04
  • 游泳,尝试了几次,现在可以做基本的自由泳。做完眼睛手术后,我停止了游泳。
  • 做了眼睛手术,现在我可以不戴眼镜生活。
  • 改善了我的饮食习惯。自从我读了《葡萄糖革命》这本书,我知道如何避免血糖峰值。从那以后,我变得更有精力。现在我午饭后不再犯困,身体状态更稳定。


  • 睡眠,总是睡得很晚,尝试早睡,但经常失败。






  • The Dictator's Handbook
  • Control Theory and Scientific Methodology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Speed Reading For Dummies
  • Runner's World, Train Smart
  • Slow Jogging
  • Atomic Habit
  • Same as Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes
  • Glucose Revolution







我建立了一个英语学习服务,叫做Valid English。我发布了它,大约有一百人尝试过它,但只有几个人定期使用它。我犯的最大错误是我建立它的速度太慢,这主要有两个原因:

  • 我的生产力太低,我经常被其他事情分心。这是因为我的下层结构不稳定,包括专注力和规划能力,实现能力。
  • 我想要建立的是一个长期服务,没有一个明确的目标来满足用户的需求。最大的用户就是我自己,这个应用也随着我的英语进步来规划需求,这很慢。




  • 没有人能预测市场。每一笔交易都是赌博。区别在于概率和风险。
  • 不要使用杠杆。它会让你承担过多的风险,并会改变你的思维方式。
  • 长期的观点和知识可以提高你的概率。
    • 利率必须有时候降低,有时候升高。这就是为什么10年期债券是市场的锚。
    • 技术总是在上升,这就是长期增长的原因。



  • 身体:尝试保持良好的精力水平。
    • 跑步,游泳,锻炼
    • 保证充足的睡眠
    • 养成良好的饮食习惯
  • 能力:提高我的英语水平,阅读更多的书籍。
  • 连接:照顾我的家人,与我的孩子们一起成长。
  • 连接:维持一个稳定的投资体系。
  • 连接:学习如何建立长期有用的服务。

生活就像一场游戏,我希望我能玩得很好,并且享受其中 😊!

2023-12-30 08:37:00 +0000 UTC

My 2023

My 2023

2023 is going to end. This year is the first full year that I'm not working. To my disappointment, I didn't make significant progress with my plans, like building a service, or moving to Canada. It's so sad that time passes so quickly, and I've wasted so much of it. However, time is always passing away, and what satisfies me is that I now know how to live.

In the past, what drove me to live was the future. The future where you will get a good job, so study hard. The future where you will get a big house, so work hard. The future where you will have more freedom, so quit the job. A sentence always comes to my mind: "You need to sacrifice now to get a better future". But the only problem is: "I didn't know what the good future exactly was".A good job, a big house, money, a good education for my kids? All of these are important, but there isn't a clear connection between these things and now. Are they absolutely necessary? How can I achieve them? Only I can answer those questions, and the answer varies at different times. In the past, I didn't think about it carefully, and I just waited for the future to come true.

This year, living with my family, there was so much time to spend. I experienced Blue's kindergarten graduation, her summer holiday, and her start of elementary school. We started reading, both English and Mandarin. My wife is back to work again, and thanks to her work, I can have the freedom to do what I want without worrying about money. Snow is getting older and can express what he wants, but also has the ability to cause more trouble. Time is so good, if possible, I want to stay in this moment.

Now, looking back, I realize that I didn't have a clear goal most of the time. The vague goals, like pursuing freedom, taking care of my family, moving to Canada, and building a service, couldn't drive me to manage my daily life. With a year's exploration, I have a better understanding of what I want and how to achieve it.

First, let us define a person in society:

A human's structure:
- Level 3: Connection // What he provides
    - System
    - Product 
- Level 2: Ability // What he can do
    - Storage: Knowledge
    - Processor: Thinking ability
- Level 1: Body // What he has
    - Health
    - Age
    - Strength
    - Energy

There is also a Chinese idiom: 一命二运三风水四积阴德五读书,六名七相八敬神九交贵人十养生, which means 1. Life 2. Luck 3. Location 4. Do good things 5. Read 6. Influence 7. Good looks 8. Respect God 9. Make friends with nobles 10. Health. This provides a similar structure, telling us that Connections->Ability->Body is the structure that defines a person in society.


Nobody cares about your body, people in society only care about what you can provide, the Connections. But everything begins with the body. That is the basis of my life. This year I have:

  • Run a lot, 20-30km per week, finished a half marathon in 2:04
  • Swim, tried several times, can now do very basic freestyle. After I had the eye surgery, I stopped swimming.
  • Had eye surgery, now I can live without glasses.
  • Improved my eating habits. Since I read the book Glucose Revolution, I know how to avoid the glucose spike. After that, I've been more energetic. I don't want to sleep after lunch now, and my body is more stable.

What I didn't do well:

  • Sleep, always sleep late, tried to sleep early, but often failed.


Nowadays, the ability we talk about usually refers to your brain's ability. It's the quality of your decision-making, it supports what you make. It comes from your knowledge and experience. But what are knowledge and experience? They come from your reading, thinking, and doing. This part is below my expectations.

English, this year I tried to switch to an English environment, tried to catch up with English information directly, it's made some progress, but not enough. I can watch, read, listen to most English material now, but it's still hard for me, and I can't write and speak fluently.


This year, I read:

  • The Dictator's Handbook
  • Control Theory and Scientific Methodology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Speed Reading For Dummies
  • Runner's World, Train Smart
  • Slow Jogging
  • Atomic Habit
  • Same as Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes
  • Glucose Revolution

And many books that I just downloaded or read a few chapters of. English is the biggest problem I need to overcome, and I need to speed up my reading ability.

Mental, as I said in Moments(Caution: I'm losing the ability to think deeply), recently, deep thinking is the most important ability that I lack. It's about focus, about how I can absorb information, about how I can make a clear plan.

Next year, I will endeavor to improve my English and read more books(the goal is 1 book 1 week).


For my family, this year has been the best for me. I spent a lot of time with my family, watched my children grow up, participated in their life events, and faced problems together.

But for living in society, I'm not doing well.

I built an English learning service, called Valid English. I published it, about a hundred people tried it, but only several people use it regularly. The biggest mistake I made is that I built it too slowly, which comes from two parts:

  • My productivity is too low, I'm often distracted by other things. This is because my lower structure is not stable, including Energy and Mental ability.
  • What I wanted to build is a long-term service, I spent a lot of time trying and studying, didn't have a clear goal to fit the user's needs. The biggest user is myself, this App is also growing with my progress. That is slow.

I didn't believe that I couldn't make it, it just needs time. The users use it frequently told me that works. The service is the result of my ability. I need to improve my ability first (including publishing a service as part of learning).

Investing, This year I changed my investment to US stocks, and used leverage to gamble on the Bond market. That was a bad decision, and after some failures, I stopped it. Now I'm holding Bonds (no leverage) at 60%, NASDAQ-100 index at 30%, and Tesla at 10%. This year I got a total return of 10%. Bonds are at -4% (highest -30%), and stock returns are 20%+ which brought my return to positive. I'm satisfied with the result, and will wait until the Fed cuts the interest rate.

What I learned from that is:

  • Nobody can predict the market. Every trade is a gamble. The difference is in probability and risk.
  • Don't use leverage. It makes you take too much risk and will change your mindset.
  • Long-term perspective and knowledge can improve your probability.
    • Interest rates must be cut sometimes and must rise sometimes. That's why 10-year bonds are the anchor of the market.
    • Technology always goes up, that's the reason for long-term growth.


Next year, I will:

  • Try to Maintance a good energy level.
    • running,swiming, exercise
    • good sleep
    • good eating habits
  • Take care of my family. grow up with my children.
  • Improve my English, read more books.
  • Maintain a stable investment system.
  • Learning how to build long-term useful services.

Life is a game, I wish I can play it well, and have fun 😊!

2023-12-30 08:37:00 +0000 UTC

How to define a person.

A human's structure:

  • Level 3: Service // What he provides
    • System
    • Product
  • Level 2: Action // What he can do
    • Storage: Knowledge
    • Processor: Thinking ability
  • Level 1: Body // What he has
    • Health
    • Age
    • Strength
    • Energy
2023-12-28 11:23:00 +0000 UTC

Caution: I'm losing the ability to deep think

Recently, I've been unable to focus. My brain is full of noise, busy surfing, catching new things, but I can't foucus on the job that I should be doing.

Yesterday, I tried not to use a PC, or pencil and paper to make a plan of how to write codes, just in my brain. At first, it was so hard. I couldn't even remember the idea that I just thought of, many other things distracted me. The outside world is so attractive, people are moving, talking, the metro is arriving at stations, cars are passing by. How is Blue's competition going? How will the stock market go? Will PCE go up again?

I tried to create some containers in my brain to hold my thoughts. They're rectangular box, I put the plan from top to bottom, first, second, third. The box is emptied again and again because I can't remember what I just planned to do, but when I tried sometimes, those boxes stick in my brain, what I need to do is so clear.

Now I know the reason why I can't focus, why the outside world is so easy to distract me. I lack inner thinking. Nowadays, I can easily write notes and sync them across all my devices, but my brain is exercised less and less, then I will lose the ability to store, process, and recall information in my brain.

2023-12-28 09:16:00 +0000 UTC

Weekly Report 20231224: Valley of Despair

#time: 2023-12-26

Yes, you read that correctly. Today is Tuesday, but I'm writing last week's report.

Last week was full of mess:

  1. [ ] Service
    1. [ ] Wrote RSS subscribe feature, but failed to finish it. Just couldn't focus on it, wrote for a while, and got distracted by other things.
    2. [x] Started weekly communication with users.
  2. [x] Finished reading the book "Revolution of Glucose".
  3. [ ] Didn't finish the listening goals.
  4. [ ] Slept better than last week, but still not good.

The main reason for this mess is that I didn't have clear priorities, just did what I remembered. When things started going bad, I didn't have a buffer to handle it. I have reorganized my priorities:

  • 1. Push service to public. Build a service that can earn 6k$/month
  • 2. English improvement
  • 3. Health, exercise, eat healthy food, sleep early, take care of my family.

When time switches to these priority zones, I should focus on them, not keep other things in mind.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-12-26 09:43:15 +0800 +0800

Mental status: Mouse

Mouse is a mental status invented by me to describe a status that I need to do a hard thing, but I'm not want to do it, i'm avoid to face it, surf the internet, do other things, but eventually I also need to do it.

When I'm in this status, I need to :

  • listen a music that I like
  • write down any thing I can to to make the goal more clear. or more near.
  • just do the simple thing.
2023-12-21 15:00:00 +0000 UTC

Weekly report 20231217 Continue to Coding

this week:

  1. Kickd out by Xuan's English learning program. cause I didn't commit enough time to learn english.
  2. develop Valid English App to v29, improve highlights, and fix bugs, and add a feature of dictation.
  3. [x] Finish half marthon in 2:04 at Hangzhou.
  4. [ ] not finish book reading goal. 50%
  5. [ ] carefully listen podcast 2/3
  6. [ ] casually listen podcast group 1/4
  7. [ ] sleep goal runs bad.

half marthon

Next week:

  • perform better in Daily Maintenance program, schedule at morning, review at night, write down logs.
  • build a App development pipeline. publish every 2 weeks.
  • write english leanring guide experience. find resouces.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-12-17 22:45:00 +0000 UTC

What I Learned from a amazing Person

What I Learned from a amazing Person

Recently, I met a person who were professional in english. Her name is Xuan, She taught me English, and besides English, what I learned most is how she do things, which I think is the most important thing.

And now, I've been kicked out by her because I didn't meet her expectations. I wanted to learn English but didn't have the courage to commit to 3 hours of listening. Unfortunately, I had become the "Old white mouse" (老白鼠) in her words. It's a huge pity that I can't learn with her anymore, but I knew that day would come. I know I'm not a truly hardworking person, I just want to be one, but I haven't done anything once as a hardworking person.

The main thing I learned from her(or sense from her) is:

  • drive by interest, purse what she like.
  • extremely serious, do the best she can do. hardworking

Driven by Interest

We met on a BBS discussing English learning. She deeply pointed out my mistakes, and I started to contact her. She was conducting an observation program to see how adults learn English, and she would teach them English. So, I joined her program. She taught me English by having me listen or read books every day.

She is very good at it. The reason she's learning English is that she's immersed in the English world and enjoys it. She watches documentaries, YouTube, listens to podcasts, reads books, and teaches others. She has created hundreds of video lists on YouTube, read thousands of books, and listened to dozens of podcasts.

Her everyday life is full of English. She wakes up teaching English and goes to bed with books. We meet 4-5 hours every day, and she has other learners completely occupying her schedule. I once asked her if she ever gets tired. Her answer was, "Why would I be tired doing what I like?"

Extremely Serious

She has drawn an entire wall of pictures to help her understand the content of a book. The painting is sophisticated and filled with her own understanding.

She will watch the simple audio again and again, do the test repeatedly. When she encounters a new word, she will open to read all the meanings, examples, and the context. ALL. She said, "Others get a rough idea, but I want to know the details. The gap between us is getting bigger and bigger."

When a person in her class answered the question, "Respond to a greeting when you meet an old friend," the person answered, "Just so-so." Xuan was angry and disappointed. She said, "You spent your time learning English, but why didn't you try to say more, just wanting to avoid speaking?" Xuan said she would never do that, "She will do whatever she can to speak, try to expose errors, then others can correct her."

My Thoughts

I'm shocked by her attitude. Recently, I've been trying very hard to catch up with her, but today I failed, and she kicked me out. That's a relief, but it's not a good thing. I know I need to change my underlying system, but I also know I can't change it in a short time. What I can only do is promise myself: I will be the man who is extremely careful, doing the best I can. But promises are cheap, aren't they?

I tell myself:

  • Be extremely careful, don't fool myself, or I will be fooled by time.

That's all. Of course, she has given me much help in English guidance, like how to handle a conversation, how to correct my pronunciation, and how to train. But when compared to the attitude, that is not the most important thing.

What I should always consider (in building a system), especially now that I can't get help from Xuan:

  • What is the goal?
  • When will the goal be achieved, in my estimation?
  • How can I find the way to achieve the goal? Can the current method be improved?
  • How can I get feedback? especially real men's feedback.


This section records instances where I fooled myself, serving as a cautionary reminder:

  • 2023-12-12: I wanted to learn English with Xuan, but I didn't carefully follow the plan, didn't find an appropriate solution to manage fatigue, and consequently, was kicked out by Xuan.
2023-12-12 13:41:00 +0000 UTC

Weekly report 2023-12-10 (Anxiety)

Yesterday, I was anxious about what I was doing. When I remember the past year of my study and work, it was just so-so. Sometimes I could find something to pursue, but most of the time I was driven by events. I didn't do something that I was really satisfied with. I have wanted to learn English for almost 10 years, and have been running intermittently for 7-8 years. I didn't do it really well, things just happened to me, and that's it. No more, no surprises. This year my running and English skills are better, not because I have changed my performance or mindset, but simply because I have had more time to do it.

When I started to learn English with Xuan, I found that my problem is my attitude towards life. I'm a "just ok" man, and usually fool myself into thinking that I'm doing well. My English learning process is the best example. I know English is my most important skill, but I didn't really take it as the most important thing to do. Sometimes I watched movies, sometimes I listened to podcasts, and sometimes there were many other things that interrupted my learning progress.

Upon deep thinking, I know that what I lack is the courage and ability to face difficulties.

  • Learning IPA is boring, so I just skipped it. // Hence, my pronunciation is bad.
  • Marking is hard, so I'll just do it in the future. // Hence, I didn't get much feedback and help.
  • Reading the book is hard, can I just listen and watch for fun? // Hence, I didn't solidify my English skills.
  • Algorithms are hard, Machine Learning is hard, it's not about my job, maybe I'll learn it in the future.
  • Weekly reports are boring, summaries are boring, socializing is boring.

I know I don't need to do all of these things good, and I can't do all of them well. But what about my dream? How can I achieve my dream? If I'm sloppy in all things, I will never get it. It's time to admit it.

This week

  • I published my English APP, and received much feedbacks.
  • Mainly learned English with Xuan, practiced pronunciation, and read the book.

Next week

  • English improvement, practice pronunciation use RAZ, read books and listen to podcasts 3hours+ per day.
  • APP improvement, fix bugs, improve highlight.
  • Build service for beginner, find listen materials, and write guide for beginner.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-12-10 17:33:00 +0000 UTC

Glucose Revolution

Glucose Revolution

Glucose Revolution is a good book to understand how eat impacts our daily life energy and health.

This book is mainly talk about parts:

  • what glucose is , include glucose spikes.
  • why glucose spikes is bad for our health.
  • what can we do about glucose spikes.

what glucose is

glucose is important for our body, it is the main energy source for our body. but too much glucose is bad for our health. this book is not talk about how to avoid glucose, It's about how to control glucose spikes.

glucose comes from energy from sun which is absorbed by plants. plants store energy with some forms, likes starch, sugar, and fiber.

all those forms of energy called carbohydrates. or carbs for short. Carbohydrates = Starch and Fiber and Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose)

As a human, we love to eat carbs especially sugar. but we never live in a world that you can get sugar easily. our brain didn't evolve to stop craving much sugar.

Our body will break down carbs into glucose. and the glucose in our blood will rise when we eat carbs.

why glucose spikes is bad for our health

When many glucose into our body, our cells's mitochondria will drowning in glucose, and release free radicals. too much free radicals will cause oxidative stress. that is why we feel tired after a big meal.

And there is a reaction called Maillard reaction. When we cook food, the food will turn brown. that is Maillard reaction. when we add sugar to food, the food will turn brown faster. that browning also happens in our body. and it will cause glycation. glycation is a process that sugar molecules attach to proteins.

The combination of oxidative stress and glycation will inflammation , a body's immune response, long-term inflammation will damage our body. sometimes you can see it in your skin. inflammation

So, high glucose in our blood will soon cause body damage, our body has a mechanism to prevent glucose's damage, it's insulin, a hormone that produced by pancreas. insulin will put extra glucose into storage cells, like liver, muscle, and fat cells.

Short term effect:

  • Constantly hunger, High glucose -> High insulin -> Quickly drop glucose and Release Hormone that tell body to eat -> hunger
    • That's the reason why we should eat less, we should eat make body feel full but less glucose spikes.
  • Craving
  • Tired, mitochondria don't work well
  • Poor sleep, high glucose spikes drop quickly, your body don't sleep well.
  • Sick, after high glucose spikes, your immune system will be weak. case you Cold, flu, and other infections.
  • Insulin resistance, pregnancy diabetes is because of insulin level is high when pregnant. cause of the need to grow bady.
  • Hot flashes, night sweats.
  • Migraine
  • Memory and congitive problems

Long term effect:

  • Acne and other skin problems
  • Faster aging
  • Brain damage, Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Cancer risk,
  • Poor mood, brain doesn't has sensory neurons, it can't feel pain, but it will feel mental disturbance.
  • Gut problems, high glucose spikes would increase leaky gut.
  • Heart disease
  • PCOS, Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Weight gain, high glucose spikes will cause insulin resistance, and insulin resistance will cause weight gain.
  • Wrinkles and cataracts

what can we do about glucose spikes

  1. Eat vegtables first, then protein, then carbs.
  2. Eat more fiber, much more vegtables.
  3. Stop counting calories.
  4. Flatten your breakfast , In the morning, your body is more sensitive to glucose spikes.
  5. Sugar are the same, if you want go get it, if you can get it from whole fruit, that's better.
  6. Move dessert to the end of the meal.
    1. “The best time to eat something sweet is after you’ve already eaten a meal with fat, protein, and fiber.”
    2. Don't eat sweet with empty stomach.
  7. Vinegar can help lower glucose spikes.
  8. Move exercise after meal.
  9. Perfer savory over sweet.
  10. Cover your carbs with fat, protein, and fiber.
2023-12-10 17:32:26 +0800 +0800


2023-12-09 14:44:00 +0000 UTC

I got a new MacBook Pro

Recieved my new MacBook Pro today, It's faster, more battery life, but why I'm not excited as before?

2023-12-08 00:13:00 +0000 UTC

It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward

2023-12-05 12:24:00 +0000 UTC

I got the -lee !!!!

with hundreds of practice, and the help of, I finally got the -lee sound.


the key is to make mouth more wide.

2023-12-03 00:07:00 +0000 UTC

Frustrated by my Pronunciation

Today, I spent some time trying to follow the RAZ video to shadow read the sentence, but the first one sucked. The sentence is "Insects have many kinds of wings."

Insect, wings, kinds, are the words that I mispronounced. I corrected the “t” in Insect, and “-ing” in wings, but the biggest problem is "kind". Most of the time, I read it as "canned" or "cans" or "candle". I spent whole day try to correct it, but still can't get it right. all the words with -lee sounds i can't pronounce it right. like:

  • simply
  • family
  • Actually

I always pronounce it as -nee, I had tried compare the wave form, shadowing, but it's not work, even my wife and daughter that can pronounce it right, but failed to correct me. Haha. there must be something is wrong, I will find it out.

2023-12-02 22:21:00 +0000 UTC

Launched My English App

Today, I launched my English app and received much feedback. I'm very glad it works without any major problems. I have many things to study and many challenges to face, but I will make it come true.

2023-12-01 23:52:00 +0000 UTC

A Walk In The Wood

A Walk In The Wood

Chapter 0

The call of the wild

Bill Bryson was moving to a new town, near the town there is a path sign tell that there is a famous trail called AT, Bill call it the granddaddy of long-distance hikes.

AT was 2100 miles long, from America's eastern coast to Appalachian Mountains, Especially virgina protion across fourteen states, it's so wild and full of plump hills, looks very relax, most people will can't insist to go there, and Bill's town is the middle of the on the trail full of dangerous but attracted much peoples.

Bill give himself some reasons to hike the trail:

  • fit after years of boring work
  • learn from the wild (I think he is not really, he just want something to boast about)
  • And global warming, the trail will be changed in the future, many lives was died. and there will be more in the future.

honestly, I think one the first one is part of his real reason, the most impotantly , he is just curious and what to try something new and special, especially dangerous.

anyway, he is decide to go.

Surprise from others

He heared lots of horrible(grue) stories from his friends, include bears, bobcats, poison, or get in trouble unconsciously, the woods were full of danger.

there is some stories:

  • a men pee in the midnight swooped by a owl, the scalp was dangling against the moon.
  • a snake peeked into a women's warm sleep bag
  • campers and bears share tents.
  • people suddenly vaporized by bolt lightning.
  • tents crushed by huge tree
  • swept away by flash flood
  • shaking ground

and there is full of diseases with no cure , the mosquitos will kill you or let you stay in a chair. the virus. muders.

and it's was not all time in a year is suitable for hike, most people hike from south to north in spring。 it will take 5 month to walk the trail end to end.

it's a long way of trail, The AT is not the highest but it's big enough, with continous moutains. you can cross 50 snowdens just in a week.

the equipment

2023-12-01 23:50:49 +0800 +0800

English Learning Adjustment

I have been learning English with Xuan (X^2) for 3 days. Every time, she gives me refreshing and new shocks. She is an incredibly interesting person with very high standards in everything. Studying with her is full of challenges, but the feeling of excitement and hope is so unforgettable.

With her help, I found that what I need to do most importantly is to get much more comprehensible input. It's not just about listening more, but also about building my high-quality transformer system.

  1. I need to delve deeper into the scene, analyze the words and sentences, and try to tell the story in my own words.
  2. I need to correct my pronunciation and try to use speech-to-text to check my story.
  3. The more input I get, especially if it's dense and correlated, the easier it will be to learn English.
2023-11-30 23:16:00 +0000 UTC

Unknown Pathway

An unkown way may not lead to your destination, but absolutely it will lead you to a new world.

2023-11-28 15:22:00 +0000 UTC

I met a fantastic person

I met a fantastic person who is incredibly interesting. We chatted from morning until now. She pointed out my English problems very deeply, and she is very talented at drawing and exploring. She is very good at English and full of love for life. I'm so happy to have met her.

2023-11-28 14:16:00 +0000 UTC

11-28 Sunny Day

Begining today's work, wishing everything goes well.

2023-11-28 09:16:00 +0000 UTC

I should increase my output

Yesterday, I reorganized my blog and found that what I write about is shallow and fragmented. I should increase my output, write down the things I'm learning. That is an indispensable way to learn.

2023-11-27 09:37:00 +0000 UTC


This world is filled with people who are more professional and greater than you. I'm so jealous of them. Why didn't I become them? Why are they younger than me and more successful than me?

Actually, I know the reason. I didn't spend as much time as them, didn't try as massively as them, didn't discipline myself as they did. I just wanted to do little and gain more.

Now, I'm writing this down, and I'll get some sleep, and fight again when I wake up.

Keep fighting, you stupid old man!

2023-11-26 16:19:00 +0000 UTC

Quantum Entanglement: From Philosophy to Mathematics, through Science to Technology


#hashtag: thoughts

2023-11-25 14:39:00 +0000 UTC

Never use local language subtitles to learn English

You should never use local language subtitles to learn English. This is because your brain will force you to think in your local language. Try watching this video with Chinese subtitles, you won't recognize the vocabulary and will just understand the meaning in Chinese.

#hashtag: English

2023-11-25 13:53:00 +0000 UTC

Summary of week 2023-11-25

I should try to write summaries periodically. When I'm not working in a company, I don't need to write a weekly report finnaly, but I also miss the chance to think, review the past, and plan regularly.

So I decide to write a summary weekly, monthly.

Work finished:

  • ValidEnglish APP now has concise vocabulary explanations and vocabulary encounters. This helps with better recognition of vocabulary.
  • New blog features: 'Moments' and UI improvements. These help me write more.
  • New blog feature: 301 redirects using git rename history. This allows me to restructure the blog freely without worrying about historical links.

Work not finished (expected to finish over the weekend)

  • Generate concise vocabulary explanations using Azure API.
  • Daily card, helps review activities of the day, brings recent memories back.
  • Publish public beta version of ValidEnglish APP. (guide, announcement)

Next week's plan:

  • Use best practices to connect with more users.
  • Explore the best ways for office workers to use the ValidEnglish APP.
    • Short videos that they might be interested in.
  • Continue to build my learning, promise, and mantainance system. Next week, restructure my blog about it.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-11-25 08:55:00 +0000 UTC

Enery Level experience

A = Good sleep, regular exercise
B = Not enough sleep, no exercise, tiredness, stress
X = Eagerness to do things, doing it right now

A + X > B + X > A > B

In the past year, I have tried to make an effort to achieve A, but it hasn't worked as expected. Despite plenty of sleep and regular exercise, I still didn't have much motivation to do things.

I find the best way is to continuously build an environment to try to solve the problem that's on my mind. To build, to code, to write. Even when I'm tired, my memory is weak, and my brain can't focus, I can still try to nail it. And make some progress.


2023-11-25 07:53:00 +0000 UTC

share my dinner


Stew with mushrooms, vegetables, eggs, rice, shrimp, and beef balls. It's too hot, so add a generous amount of ice.

2023-11-24 20:01:00 +0000 UTC

beautiful sky at the library


Finish a day's work, then go back home. See the beautiful sky with airplane trails. It's so beautiful.

#hashtag: life,beauty

2023-11-24 19:47:00 +0000 UTC

The happy of build and fix things.

The new blog is complete. The main features of this update include:

  • Support for moments, transforming markdown code into beautiful messages.
  • Automatic 301 support for historical URLs (parsing git log to find changed file names).
  • UI improvements.

I'm easily drawn into building or fixing things, like repairing a water tap, keyboard, replacing a battery, fixing bugs, changing a UI. Even when it's not cost-effective, and buying a new one might be cheaper, understanding the problem and fixing it brings me joy.

The total cost is 3 days. I need to get back on track with the APP development.

2023-11-24 14:59:00 +0000 UTC

interview with Applovin

#time: 2022-11-30

Today i got a interview with Applovin, The headHunter said it's seeking a devops leader , cause Applovin is a oversea company , so i got try this job , maybe it can support transfer, but things goes weird , i see the position at email is devops engineer not leader, and the question in interview is very basic:

first is a coding test, write a function to implement loadblancer,giving some ip with ranks, i calulate the probability with sum total ranks, and use random number to test is hit in this probability, but i get 30 min to implement this function, maybe takes too much time , I'm so poor of algorithm test.

and then is question of how dns work, tcp udp difference, and what middleware i had operate.

finally, they end the interview, i thinks there is some misunderstanding of the positon, they maybe only need a experienced ops, and the headhunter said they need a devops leader.

anyway, thanks this interview, get me to know how online algorithm coding test works, and i have much more work to improve my express.

今天有个Applovin面试,猎头说他们在找一个devops leader,因为applovin是海外公司,所以就试了下这个工作,说不定可以支持transfer,但后面就有点奇怪了,email上看到的职位是devops工程师不是团队负责人,面试的问题很基础:


然后是 dns 的工作原理、tcp udp 差异以及我运维过哪些中间件的问题。

最后,他们结束了面试,我认为这个职位有些误解,他们可能只需要一个有经验的ops,而猎头说他们需要一个devops leader。


2023-11-23 21:48:35 +0800 +0800

new blog, new moments, new begin

just rewrite my blog, added a new feature named moments , for post short message like this.


2023-11-23 17:26:00 +0000 UTC

Github Copilot is a great tool

Copilot can not only help you write code but also help you write anything. I use it to correct my English grammar. 20231122112313

#hashtag: tools

2023-11-22 11:23:00 +0000 UTC

RecordRTC is a free and powerful recorder

RecordRTC is a simple but powerful screen recorder (Chrome extension), and it's free. I have tried a lot of tools that require payment, but they are not as simple as this tool and are too complicated.

The author is

#hashtag: tools

2023-11-22 11:13:00 +0000 UTC

Read One Summer America 1927

Read One Summer America 1927

This place is for record the book One Summer America 1927's reading notes. One Summer America 1927 is a book written by Bill Bryson.

I will note every thing that i don't know for help me learn English.

Chapter 0 Prologue

ON A WARM spring evening just before Easter 1927, people who lived in tall buildings in New York were given pause when wooden scaffolding around the tower of the brand-new Sherry-Netherland Apartment Hotel caught fire and it became evident that the city’s firemen lacked any means to get water to such a height.

In this place i have some unknown words:

  • prologue: a book's preface information
  • were given pause: were made to stop, here means
  • became evident: became clear
  • lacked any means: did not have any way

Crowds flocked to Fifth Avenue to watch the blaze, the biggest the city had seen in years.

  • flocked: moved or came together in large numbers
  • blaze: a large fire

At 38 stories, the Sherry-Netherland was the tallest residential building ever erected, and the scaffolding – put there to facilitate the final stages of construction – covered the top fifteen storeys, providing enough wood to make a giant blaze around its summit.

  • storeys, confusing to story(stories),
    • Story (Singular): Refers to a narrative, account, or tale. For example, "She told a story about her travels."
    • Stories (Plural): Refers to more than one narrative or level of a building. For example, "The book contains multiple stories," or "The building has multiple stories."
  • facilitate: to make something possible or easier
  • erected: ED
  • summit: here is not means meeting, it's means the top of a mountain or hill

From a distance, the building looked rather like a just-stuck match.

  • match here is not means compare or competition, it's means a stick to make fire.

Two pilot

The big fire on the building apartment reduce the heat of Two Pilots, They are doing a legendary challenge flight, they want to break the record of the longest flight. also it's not only competation of personal, it's also some kind of competation between countries. America as the aviation birth place, now is behind the Europe.

About how they archieve this challenge, the most important part said by one of the pilot Chamberlin was control the fuel only let the airplane just stay in the air. The stay at air time is 51 hours eventually and far more than the record.

They had welcomed by crowds of people, when they landed, the 2 pilot was very thirsty, and tired, by the fault of the groud crew who forget to bring water to them, the didn't drink water for 2 days. anyway the flight is so successful, The New York Time has reported them and said they are very hope to fly to Paris.

2023-11-19 09:38:00 +0000 UTC



2023-11-09 05:45

  • AI不断进化,尝试还原Bytes背后的自然语言,信息,情感。
  • 人类拼命尝试压缩,结构化,肌肉化基础信息。

高等级智慧,和新生智能,在今年陡然相遇,带来的是解放(more information decode),还是更深度的压缩(more information encode)?







  • 因:在高等级教育资源固定的情况下,不断竞争名额,
  • 果:导致训练结果,无限向容易排名,容易刷题的结构化解题靠拢(AI擅长部分),剔除偏美学,情感,应用部分


  • 幼儿园拼命学习小学内容,小学拼命学习初中内容,教育出现超前效应,大量牛娃晒在xx岁就能xxxxx引来众人羡慕。
  • 初中,高中反而停了,反复刷题,概率论,微积分,信息论什么?想学?不在考试范围,考上大学大把的研究机会。






只是向迈向未知前路的同好们招手,去TMD ABCD, 我就是我自己的神!在我活得地方!我是最牛逼的人类。AI的主宰。

2023-11-09 05:42:05 +0800 +0800

Life is lots of Project

Life is consist of many project with deadline, but usually people did't recognize that it has deadline:

  • You only stay with you kids 18 years.
  • Your work will end when retire, or company close, or find a new job.
  • Your marriage will end when you or your partner die, or when your childs leave your family, or you just want be oneself.
  • Your life will end someday you didn't expect.

Old is you Can't open new project, and your old project closed one by one.

So, when you were young, open as many as the project you love, take care of you projects, there is no in the future it will different, only the Right Now you can enjoy, you can change.

#hashtag: thoughts

2023-10-27 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

2023-10-07 Atomic Habits

读《Atomic Habits 原子习惯》 有感, 这本书值得读一读

自我修炼其实只是 加法,远没有乘法效应那么可观,做几分得几分,能跑了就能跑,能读英文书了就能读,也仅此而已,没有多fancy。

不是屠龙术,但是却是一切的原点,0x啥都是0, 1x啥就是啥,2x啥才开始产生量变,我自己觉得我之前很多地方都是0,现在也仅比0多一点点,还远没有到1,更没有到2。导致我做啥啥不行,英语不好失去会多机会,自制力不行卷不过别人,规划不行浑浑噩噩这么久才发现做了很多无用功。


#hashtag: book

2023-10-07 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


What you believe determines what you do, what you do determines who you are, who you are determines what you believe.

believe that you are the person that you want to be.

then act like the person you like to be.

then you will be the person you want to be.






打破这种局面的,是我有大量时间去和这些做斗争之后,新的时间空间,让我有余力去体会新的事情,新的事情形成习惯,让我逐渐的产生对比,“我” 这个body, 肉体,宁克凡,四岚,想要什么东西,我讨厌那种被肉体支配的感觉,在厕所拉屎都想要拿出手机刷一刷,偶尔想克制不刷,还是止不住的想在口袋里淘。


当然这里面不是那么简单的:因为相信,所以看见。它包含了很多尝试,很多失败和成功,很多你自己的经验积累,这是一条:你是谁->你想要什么->你做什么->你得到什么 的探索路径。不用鸡血,也不用比较,别人真的不重要,这只是你自己一个人的战斗,有梦就去追,累了就休息,只要自己内心认可,往前每小一步自己都会满意。



2023-10-07 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


what inspire me from this video is Taiwan Youngs' hopefulness and resilience, even in the midst of struggles, they strive to move forward.

2023-09-28 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

2023-09-15 观三姊妹纪录片 刚看这个纪录片,是从 一目十影的速看找到这个片子的。







2023-09-15 12:00:00 +0000 UTC






订购了游泳池,水气球,xbox, 秋千,各种画画工具,各种玩具。以及二十天随意挥霍的时间。 泳池

结果么,就是玩疯了,xbox上just dance,大冒险,疯狂的兔子,各种游戏非常适合小孩子一起蹦蹦跳跳躲躲藏藏,邻居家小孩,亲戚家的也一起参与进来让小朋友玩的很尽兴。 Alt text

在农村水是够的,好打理点的有自己买的泳池,好处是好管理,随时开战。要水多点的直接丢小溪里。本来以为水枪会很畅销,但是实际上他们直接上了水管喷,水气球备了300个,不够后面又补了1000个,没几下就霍霍完。趁着大人们在小溪抽水,在临时抽干小水塘抓鱼可让他们见了世面。 小溪玩水 小溪








去哪里过暑假其实只是一件小事,想想又没什么不同,无非游戏多点,玩法多点,但是再想想又发现这是一段难以忘怀的记忆,可能确实是我对陪伴,团聚,生活离开太久。去看了很久未见的姨妈,和父母生活一段时间,和娃完全的在一起一段时间。以及看到许久未见的清澈星空,让我这么怀念。 老家的星空


2023-08-20 23:56:00 +0000 UTC


The benifit of do multiple things is:

  1. Keep energy, when I do one thing, I will soon tired and get bored of it. multiple thing use multi part of my body , so I will use my body efficiently.
  2. Learning one thing from another, Example: when I study how to kick leg in swimming , I finally got the reason that why my front leg sored. I focus my shin to move , but it's the minimum part of my leg muscle. when I focus on how to lift my leg, I used my hip to carry the muscle to move. then the shin sore goes away.
2023-07-17 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


Every little boy that was refused by his short and thin body, may became the world champion of football in the future —— with respect to Messi

不管做不做,外界照样转 不管做什么,外界照样说

我改变不了外界,但是可以改变我自己 每一次的行动,都是下一次行动的垫脚石, 在这一次,我克服了恐惧,我克服了担心, 为下一次,积累了一点力量


为每个敢想敢做的人开心,希望这是未来的自己 为每个敢想不敢做的人支持,做梦是自己行动的第一步 为每个不敢想不敢做的人尊重,世界需要可以不做的自由

为每个diss别人做梦的人惋惜,diss or 不diss 世界还是那样蓬勃发展,而diss为自己设下了一道栅栏,强化了自己的人设立场,降低了更多的可能。

2023-07-07 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


life is a experience, thanks for what I experienced, pity what I didn't tried.



2023-07-01 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


Culture bring us together. when Taipei sing the lyric of "河北师大附中(The Middle School Attached To HeBei Normal University)", its a tearful moment.

2023-06-13 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

slan's invest log 2023-06-09 (#3 profit is meaningless if its not stable)

slan's invest log 2023-06-09 (#3 profit is meaningless if its not stable)

When I reviewed my invest history, my most profitable investment wasn't one that yields 100%+ profit , but rather a boring one QQQ(NASDQ-100 index).It's easy to talk about the importance of slow and steady gains, but it's not always easy to resist the temptation of easy money. I used to say that "slow if fast", but when I found out how easy it was to earn 20% with leverge, I went all in with leverage, but the reality is that the marktet is fair, I couldn't earn more beyond my knowledge.

I have come to realized the improtance of STABLE GROWTH, their is an old idiom that says "守正出奇" (maintain the traditional while seeking innovation) emphasizing the importance of maintaining traditional values while also exploring new ideas. The most important aspect of this idiom is 守正 (maintain the traditional), rather than solely seeking innovation. You may lose everthing if you only seek a new way, but if you foucus on do the regular thing right , you can become a good survivaler.

this week

  • TLT from 101.35 to 101.92 up trend but weak. low than previous week
  • QQQ from 354.43 to 353.15 down trending, buy in 352
  • BTFP still raising from 93B TO 100B, banks pressure still exist.
  • TGA from 49B TO 45B , Treasury not began refill the TGA account. but "Treasury now expects that its cash balance will be approximately $425 billion at the end of June." their is 400B selling pressure in next 2 weeks.
  • Unemployment rate from 3.4% to 3.7%, Initial Jobless Claims 266k high than expected. but Continuing Jobless Claims is low than expected and previous week.
  • Crude Oil Imports high than expected.
  • Services PMI (May)54.9, high than previous month, low than expected.
  • Week0531(privious week) Commercial Banks Treasury Security holds from 1518B to 1531B, banks is stable and not selling bonds.
  • Week0531(privious week) Commercial Banks Deposits from 17235B to 17283B, banks is stable in total.

us economic is still in hot, and didn't see signal of recession.


  • Canada raise interest rates unexpectedly in Wendnesday, cause TLT price decline. the economic return hot when Canada stop hike rates.


now position:

quote percent
ZROZ 50%
QQQ 35%
VOO 0%
TMV 15%


  • holding QQQ and ZROZ , wait more datas.
  • short holding TMV (15%), wait bonds goes down.
2023-06-09 18:16:00 +0000 UTC


walk between desperate and hopeful. Keep trying, Nerver ever give up!

2023-06-06 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

slan's invest log 2023-06-02 (#2 Good investment make you growth)

slan's invest log 2023-06-02 (#2 Good investment make you growth)

This week I sold all the leveraged ETF, holding cash and start to systematic investmen Bonds(ZROZ) and Index ETF(QQQ,VOO). Now Position: |quote|percent| |---|----| |ZROZ|25%| |QQQ|0%| |VOO|0%| |CASH|75%|


bonds price rose 3% in the last week, here is the main reason:

  1. Bank system goes steady now, the BTFB rose slowly not surge.
  2. FED is neutral, not sell not buy.
  3. stock is cold early but goes hot in friday.
  4. treasury debt ceiling crisis is solved. treasury will release much more T-bills in weeks.
  5. Nonfarm Payrolls higher than exceptations but Unemployment Rate is also high than previous

So the price goes high mainly cause of risk aversion, but when the stock goes higher, and treasury release bills pressure is coming the bonds price declined. I think bonds price is continue to decline next week, it's a chance to buy it.

About Nonfarm Payrolls higher than exceptations but Unemployment Rate is also high than previous some people think there will be some data error or maluplation. Here is a metaphor: The reason for massive travellers at the airport can be BAD WEATHER or the HOT TRAVELLING SEASON. I see the employment market is still hot, but the economic is slow down, and we will see more cold evidence in future.

good investment make you growth

good investment make you growth, bad investment consume yourself. previously I bought leveraged bonds, want to be rich quickly, but the truth is you will get more sometimes, but in long time it will all return back. and you will need to pay the cost. the cost of my recently 2 month is not good sleep, spent much time in monitor the price, and lost the time to study and try providing my independent service.

I could laydown lying flat, bonds will goes up in next 6 month, and QQQ goes up 30% in this year. the only thing I need to waiting, and I will have much time to do other things.

But the greedy and trust I'm lucky make me use the leverage, when profited, it's make me more irrational, when lost, it's make me more fear and sold out. in total I cost more time and not gain more. so it's a bad investment.

So this week I'm holding cash, lying flat, waiting the chance. embaracing the life again.


  • buy bonds to 70% .
  • 30% investment QQQ when lower position.
2023-06-02 18:16:00 +0000 UTC

slan的投资周报2023-05-26(#1 开始记录我的投资)

slan的投资周报2023-05-26(#1 开始记录我的投资)



  • 我在四月和五月的交易历史
  • 我是否获利?
  • 我学到什么
  • 我下一步如何行动






债券需求供应曲线: 美联储的运行:



  • 没想清楚不要动,我损失最多的就是来自FOMO(担心没赶上机会)或恐惧情绪。
  • 学习从失败中吸取教训,接受我是愚蠢的,我需要更多学习。经济原理是测量和分析市场的最佳工具。
  • 不要追求高点,也不要押注底部,在下跌趋势中更低意味着更低。
  • 找到可能性。使用数学和经济模型来测试和验证它。模型是您继续盈利的唯一方式。
  • 不要在上面花太多时间,价格由逻辑决定,而不是您花费的时间,所以我后面不会监控价格,只在第二天review和每周分析报告。
  • 别加杠杆,它会放大贪婪,放大恐惧,让你的动作变形。




  • 通胀率仍然较高,周五的PCE高于预期。
  • 债务上限达成协议,财政部将在未来几周发行更多T-bills。风险规避风险消失。


  • 周五收益率大幅下降,即使PCE数据不理想。这表明高看涨情绪。
  • GDI数据指向衰退。
  • 海外投资机构持有更多债券。
  • 银行体系现在看起来稳定了。债券卖压正在缓解。


  • 如果收益率继续下降,我会止损,并关注6月15日的FOMC会议。
  • 如果收益率上升,我会在130美元卖出TMV。


  • 迭代美国长期债券投资模型。
  • 定期投资纳斯达克100指数(这是这几年唯一不坑我的标的了)。
2023-05-26 18:16:00 +0000 UTC

slan's invest log 2023-05-26 (#1 Start to logging my investment)

slan's invest log 2023-05-26 (#1 Start to logging my investment)

中文版CN version

When I bought the TMF bonds ETF at April, I opened a new world of financial investment, I had given up several times due to money losses and pressure, but i eventually persisted . So now, I want to follow my heart and take it seriously. I will log my thoughts and my action and the result every week, for help me better sort my thoughts and avoid impluse action.

Today, I will talk about:

  1. my trade history in April and May
  2. did I profited?
  3. what I learned
  4. how will I do next


On March 15th, I sold my Xiaomi and Baba stocks due to lost confidence in the Chinese economic, at that time I belived it was also the right moment for the FED to stop interest rate hike, so i started buying long-term Bonds ETF, fortunately i made a profit of 15%+ in 2 weeks. which give me much confidence and belive I can make even more profits, that was the beginning of the tragedy.

As time moving to May, the bonds price began to fluctuate, my simple strategy of buy TMF when bonds start to recover, and shorting it when too high was no longer effective , at this point, i learned how to analyze the trending, i learned Linear Regression, and use Pandas and Matplotlib to plot price trending.

I exhaustion all possible actions trying to find a magic parameter that could earn money. Te most interesting part was when I made some bugs or errors while estimating the possibility of a buying opportunity, I saw a massive profit possibility, it's return 100x in juset 2 years. I started worry about how i could spent so much money. Howerver the truth was that it's just a bug or a mistake. and there was no chance of buying at the lowest price every time. When I fixed those bugs, it turned out to be only a 2x return in two years. When I tested it over a longer period of time, I soon realized that it would lead to further losses.

In the middle of May, bond prices lost 10%, and I waited for a rebound. However, after carefully analyzing the Fed and economic data, I realized that bond prices were going to drop even further due to inflation and a hot economy. So I took the loss and started to short bonds, which helped me make some money back. However, I still lost a significant amount.

bonds demands supply curve:

the Fed's mechanism:

Now , all the profit comes from lucky, wiped out by my ability.^_^

Learn from failures

  1. Don't move when I'm not thinking clearly, My most lost is from FOMO or fear mood.
  2. Learning from failures, accept that i'm foolish, I need much learning. the economic principle is the best tools to measure and analyze the market.
  3. Don't chase high. and don't bet bottom, in downside trending lower is most meaning more lower.
  4. Find prossibility. use math and economic model to test and verify it . the model is the only way you can conitnue to profit.
  5. Don't spent much time on it, the price determined by logic ,not time you spent, so I will not monitor the price , only review at next day and write weekly report.
  6. Don't use leverage, it will enlarge the greedy and enlarge the fear.

Next action

Bonds price stop decline at Friday, and debt ceiling is reach deal, and the bank deposit looks like stop decrease. so I need to carefully look at the trending.

the good news:

  • Inflation is still high , PCE in Friday is high than expectation.
  • Debt ceiling is reach deal, treasury will release much more T-bills in weeks. Risk Aversion risk is disappear.

bad news:

  • Friday yield is going down much, even PCE data is not good. it's present high long mood.
  • GDI data point to recession.
  • Foreign holds is holding more bonds.
  • bank system looks like steady now. the bonds sell pressure is easing.

so I will look at Tuesday price ,

  • if yield still going down , I will take lost, and look at 15 June's FOMC meeting.
  • if yield goes up, I will sell TMV @130

long term plan:

  • model for invesment US long-term bonds.
  • regularly invest NASDAQ-100
2023-05-26 18:16:00 +0000 UTC

US Bank crisis is not over

  1. Bank borrow from FED through BTFP is rise:

  2. They are selling Theasury Securities.(data updates at 2023-05-02, but base on recent days Bonds yields rise, and deposit decline, I think they are continue selling to make liquidity deposit.)

So I guess, the bank crisis is going to emerge again in the nearly future. the Bonds price will going down in short time (cause the banks need sold their bonds to get liquidity) , but when the bank crisis is unmanageable. the fed is going ease rate, the Bonds price will get a good chance to go up.

2023-05-19 17:30:00 +0000 UTC




2023-05-09 12:00:00 +0000 UTC



  1. 尽我所能去避开暴力,
  2. 尽我所能去减少仇恨,先让我自己善待他人,善待自己,坚持立场,帮助需要帮助的人

2023-04-26 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

2023 US treasury bonds timeline

2023 US treasury bonds timeline

    title Bond Events Timeline 2023
    1.19: Initial Jobless Claims not meet expectations
    2.1: Fed hike 25bps to target 4.50-4.75%
    2.3: Nonfarm Payrolls not meet expectations
        : Bonds yield rose↑
    2.14: CPI exceeds expectations
    3.2 : Fed hike 25bps to target 4.75-5.00%
    3.8 : Powell speak monetary policy, inflation is stuborn but not mentioned hike 50 bps.
        : SVB crisis
    3.12: SVB broken solution comes out
    3.14 : CPI show inflation slow down,but core CPI stubbornly unchanged
    3.30 : Initial Jobless Claims not meet expectations
    4.4 : OPEC ruduce oil production
    4.7 : Nonfarm Payrolls not meet expectations
    4.21 : PMI exceeds expectations
2023-04-23 20:04:01 +0800 +0800

The Fed(Federal Reserve System)

The Fed(Federal Reserve System)

this is my learning record of


  • Main Goal:
    • Sustainable Growth (economic growth)
    • and stable prices (low inflation)
  • Monetary policy tools
    • Open market Operation
    • Discount Rates
    • Reserve Requirements
    • Forward guidance
    • Quantitative easing and Quantitative tightening

How Fed works:

2023-04-23 14:04:20 +0800 +0800

2023-04-22 PMI and services PMI

Yesterday US Flash manufacturing PMI and services PMI comes in above expectation, services PMI expected 51.5 Actual=53.7, Bond yield goes high, price down. TLT plunge 0.6%.

economic hot means inflation stubbornly continues, that's make the investor who expect FED quickly cut interest rate disappointed and leave bond market.

updated logic link

2023-04-19 Linear regression

Linear regression is a powerful and easy tool to analyisis market, It's solve the problem of that when use Moving Average to predict price probability. it's direction is old than market, only when turn point has happened , the Moving Average turn can be happen.

but with Linear regression slope, you can see the slope become more and more high and when it's high probability can't be true, the turn point will be high probability happen. slope change before price trending change. so it's a useful tool deserve to learn.

2023-03-22 Bond yield goes up

Bond yield goes little up, and stock price rise much, the market is widespeard expectation that the pace of interest rate hike will slow down.

Generate AI likes ChatGPT and Claude and Brad develop so fast and the experience of use those tools shock me. I'm pretty want to buy Nvidia stock, but I had set a rule that not buy individual stock, ok, how about 10 percent?

2023-04-22 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

link and logic of bonds

link and logic of bonds


graph LR
PriceUP[Price Up]
PriceDown[Price Down]

YieldDown([Yield Down])
YieldUp([Yield Up])


2 Inflation:

graph LR
PriceUP[Price Up]
YieldDown([Yield Down])

HigherInterestRates[Higher Interest Rates] -- bondsMoreAttractive -->
DemandForBondsIncreases -->
PriceUP[Price Up] -->
YieldDown([Yield Down])

LowerInterestRates[Lower Interest Rates] -- bondsLessAttractive -->
DemandForBondsDecrease[Demand For Bonds Decrease] -->
PriceDown[Price Down] -->
YieldUP([Yield Up])

3 Affect Inflation:

graph LR
HigherInterestRates[Higher Interest Rates] -- bondsMoreAttractive -->
DemandForBondsIncreases -->
PriceUP[Price Up] -->
YieldDown([Yield Down])


LowerInterestRates[Lower Interest Rates] -- bondsLessAttractive -->
DemandForBondsDecrease[Demand For Bonds Decrease] -->
PriceDown[Price Down] -->
YieldUP([Yield Up])


my questions

  • how short term treasury Notes impact long term bonds?
2023-04-22 06:25:48 +0800 +0800


  1. 活的足够久,你自然能掌握到更好的生产力
  2. 活的开心,明月照大江,别让外界影响自己,这是活的足够久的一个保证
  3. 加强自己对本质的东西的理解,Training自己,很多东西不会变的,比如
    • 语言,让你和世界能加强连接的工具
    • 社会分配关系,有人的地方就有江湖,股市也是个大江湖,由更多的人biubiubiu的绑在一起分配资源
  4. 加强连接,既然想从社会分配中摄取资源,就别隐居,广泛参与到各种分工
    • 4.1 知识传播分工,帮助社会智能中的个体更快的发展,普及, 参与各种社区,开源,发帖,评论,吹牛
    • 4.2 资源分配分工,新的有数字货币,老的有股市基金
    • 4.3 参与分工的时候要专业,不要做中下游的节点
2023-04-10 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

30 years treasury bonds

30 years treasury bonds

30 years treasury bonds is a very useful investment tool. but it's counterintuitive because of usually bonds return rate is low at 3%-5%, but long term bonds not, cause of the face value, coupon rate, bond price math magic, the yield decrease 1%, and the bond price will increase near 30%.

The calulation is simple, here is a example case:

  • Treasury issused a bond face valuse is $100,000, Coupon reate is 3%
  • Investors auction the bond, a guy named GUY1, bid highest price $101,000, so GUY1 get this bond.
  • now this bond yield can be calculated as:
    • maturity= (100000*3%)*30 +100000 =190000.0 ,return 3% per year, and return principal at 30rd year. GUY1 will get $3000 per year, and 100k at 30rd year.
    • yield=($3,000 + (($100,000 - $101,000) / 30)) / (($100,000 + $101,000) / 2) =0.019712 or 1.97%, Yield = (Annual coupon payment + ((Face value - Purchase price) / Years to maturity)) / ((Face value + Purchase price) / 2)
  • And Guy1 now can sell this bond to others at market.
  • if Guy2 buy at $102,000, the price increase = (102000-101000)/101000 = 0.0099 =0.99%
  • now yield =($3,000 + (($100,000 - $102,000) / 30)) / (($100,000 + $102,000) / 2) =0.019426=1.9426%
  • so yield decrease 0.0286% and price increase 0.99%
  • so price increase rate is about 30 times as yield rate.

this is the power of long term bonds math, if we expect interest rate will decrease 1%, we will get 30% return of our invest.

who buy bonds

Because of safety and security of US treasury bonds, there is widly investors buy it, roughly proportion is:

  • Foreign investors 29%
  • Pension funds, insurances, and other professional institutions, 40%
  • Federal Reserve, individual 31%

how they buy bonds

  • 1. Participating in a Treasury auction
  • 2. Trading with others at online market
  • 3. stock ETF, like ZROZ, TLT, EDV

basic principle:

  • bonds demands ↑ increase -> price up-> yield down
  • bonds demands ↓ decrease -> price down-> yield up

so all origin driving force is demands of market. what will influce market demands?

what will influence bonds demands?


  • 1. Interest reates, (federal fund rate ↑, short term rate ↑, long-term bonds demand ↓, long-term bonds price ↓, long-term bonds yield ↑)
  • 2. Inflation expectations, (inflation ↑, federal fund rate ↑,...bonds yield ↑)
  • 3. Economic , (economic hot, inflation ↑, ...bonds yield ↑)
  • 4. Geopolitical events, (tough time ↑ , long-term bonds demand ↑, long-term bonds price ↑, long-term bonds yield↓)

but, need to be metioned, market is complicated, not single dimensional, you should carefully consider the relations, likes when Ukriane-russian war started, yields not goes down but goes up, because its is in high inflation time, and the war make infation more worst.

what will long-term bonds directly impact

  • mortgate rates

bonds demands supply cruve

2023-04-06 12:00:00 +0000 UTC



English Verison

我正在阅读《Cognitive Psychology for Dummies》这本书,我的目的是:

  • 理解人类学习、认知、知识的基本原理
  • 学习最佳学习方法,特别是如何提高英语学习能力
  • 提高阅读能力,因为我之前没有完整地读过一本书,所以想尝试这个挑战。




  • 应用:教学、学习和自我提升。
  • 信息处理框架
    • 输入 => 感知 => 注意 => 存储(短期记忆、长期记忆)=> 输出(问题解决、决策、语言等)
  • 输入:大脑如何从感官中解释信息。
  • 存储:大脑如何存储信息。
  • 语言和思维:大脑如何处理信息,做出决策。


  • 实验室测试
  • 计算机建模(书中提到神经网络可以模拟并成功解释人类行为)
  • 脑损伤患者研究
  • 分析大脑


  • 感知
  • 记忆
  • 语言
  • 思维




1. 提升感知和注意力

  • 注意生物钟:找到你学习的最佳时间,生物钟有最佳学习时段,好好休息,养成规律,别熬夜。
  • 大量练习:提升能力的不二法门,通常对于感知和运动类都有效,对于智力学科比如学数学可能无效。
  • entry point 进入注意力时间:你可以创建一个脚本,开始你的日常例行程序,比如玩三分钟的愚蠢游戏(不多不少),或者倒个茶。
  • 聚焦注意力的技巧:
    • 在开始学习前,轻度到中度运动15分钟,
    • 关闭分心的事物,如手机、Facebook等。
    • 如果你有两个不同任务,属于不同的领域,可以多任务处理(后续章节会详细讲解原理)。(但是可能会降低你的效率)
    • 避免分心,研究显示说话声音是最容易分心的东西(来自广告电视周围人都会),尝试找到一个安静的环境。

2. 提高学习和记忆能力

  • 一些记住东西技巧
    • 分块,将大量的信息分成小块
    • 分层,分类
    • 联想,使信息更个性化,例如用易于记忆的东西替换要学习的词语。或者将要记住的列表编成一首歌。
  • 长期记忆机制
    • 分割学习、练习,短时间冲刺的学习,比长时间连续奋战更好。
    • 做测试,很好的强迫关联记忆。
  • 干扰会导致遗忘,想办法专注
  • 预热和放松有助于更快地检索信息。考试或者答辩时尽量让自己的相同的环境.

3. 提高阅读和写作能力


  • 尽可能多地阅读。(看似废话其实很有用)
  • 推荐的阅读过程
    • 浏览或预览文本
    • 有目的地阅读
    • 使阅读个性化
    • 抱着目的,问题去阅读
    • 翻译成自己的语言
    • 让它变得有趣
    • 利用上下文理解思想
    • 做笔记并回来看
    • 保持节奏,不要中断,不知道的单词就跳过。
    • 多读 如何提高写作能力
  • 理解格式
  • 先计划再写
  • 想象你正在向朋友讲述和解释你的想法。

4. 更有效地利用你的思维能力

  • 使用理性逻辑
  • 系统化计划
  • 创建和使用子目标
  • 自动化思考过程
  • 逆向思考
  • 成长开放心态
2023-03-29 20:38:58 +0800 +0800

Money is a "Voting Right"

Money is a Voting Right, it's not just a number that you can buy things, it's people's willing of wish you to do something. so invest is vote who can resprent you to do something.

Invest Bond is wish the government to do the right thing like help country grow. invest Nvidia is choose Nvidia as the present of AI infrastructure.

You should choose the best present of the market. judge them as they are a person , a inteligence.

Is Technical sector still the best present of productive ? I think it is. especially at this moment of AI rise.

A respecful older used be very foresighted to proprose the slogan of "Always Represent the advanced productive forces.", I used to think it's just a boring right but meaningless phrase. But now I know how hard to represent productive, how hard to find the pattern of solving the problem, it's so easy to be not even wrong.

Unfortunately, this slogan is not emphasized as much now. However, this slogan is not just a clichéd phrase for results certification, but rather a guiding direction for the iterative process, that is very close to the essence. For a complex intelligent agent, the ultimate goal is to find the optimal path under the potential difference. This slogan is very fundamental, but it is difficult to achieve in practice due to many traps, such as "poorly defined problems, NOT EVEN WRONG, common demand misjudgments, and individual and organizational interests being misaligned" or "precise problem definition, but old models being stubbornly adhered to due to various constraints". Although the optimal path will naturally appears as long as the potential difference exists (and is constantly replaced by competition), But for individuals with limited lifetimes, it is important to focus on whether they represent the optimal path, and not waste time on trivial matters.

2023-03-24 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

Cognitive psychology

Cognitive psychology


I'm currently read the book: "Cognitive Psychology for Dummies", What I want to get from this book:

  • How human learning, cognitive things, knowledge, what is the basic fundamental
  • The best(or good) way to learning, especially how to improve my english learning
  • Improve my reading, cause I'm not read a complete book, I want try this challenge.

Part 1 Getting Started with cognitive psychology

Cognitive Psychology is a science of study mental abilities and processes about knowing. Interested in all the things that people preceiving, attending to, remembering, reasoning, problem solving, decision making , reading and speaking.

The structure of cognitive psychology is the following:

  • Applications: teach,learn and self-improve.
  • Information-processing framework
    • INPUT=>Perception=>Attention=>Storage(Short-term memory,Long-term memory)=>OutPut(Problem solving,Decision making,lauguage...)
  • Input: how the brain interprets the information from the senses.
  • Storage: how the brain stores the information.
  • Language and thought: how brain process the information. make decisions.

How Cognitive Psychology do researching?

  • Testing in the laboratory
  • Modelling with computers(the book metioned nural network to mimic and successful explaining human behaviour)
  • working with brain-damaged people
  • Analysing the brain

Main areas that cognitive psychology investigates:

  • Perception
  • Memory
  • Language
  • Thinking

There are some limitations of human psychology that can cause problems, Example: the road tunnel opened in the Netherlands connecting Schiphol and Amsterdam result was a higher rate of traffic accidents. that's because the tunnel had a tapered design, brain's visual systems think the exit being father away, but in fact not. when the driver cross the exit, the car's speed is much high, so the driver had suddently slow down then cause the accident.

A example to use the brain's storage mechanism to reduce tragedy harms: Because brain's long term storage need sleep to lays down the memory, so preventing a person from sleeping in the aftermath of a traumatic event may reduce the subsequent harmful pychological effects. on the contrary if you engaged in important learning , it's better to take good sleep. not try to use the sleep time to holding the Buddha's feet.

Before we finally read the book, we can get some techniques to improve our academic or learning skill:

1. Engaging your perception and attention

  • Netural body cycle: find your best time to learning, body has clock
  • Massive practice: works for perceptual an motor skills, not work for intellectual subjects.
  • Capturing attention: you can create a script by start your routine, like playing silly game for 3 minutes(not more, not less).
  • Focusing attention techniques:
    • mild to moderate exercise 15 minutes before attempt to learn.
    • turn off distractions like mobile phone,facebook.
    • multitask, if the two tasks use different aspects of your working memory. (May lower performance)
    • avoid distraction, by researches, speech is the most distract things than other, try find a quit enviorment.

2. Improving your learning and memory

  • Remember Techniques
    • Chunking, group incoming information that's largely into small chunks
    • Levels of processing framework
    • Mnemonics, make information personally, like replace the words that's you're trying to learn with something easier to learn. Put the lists to remember into a tune to form a song.
  • Storing for the long term
    • Distributing practice, short bursts learning is better than long time study.
    • Testing what you know, this cause you to form new links in your memory.
  • Avoid interference to forgetting
  • Pre-heat and relax help you retrieving information quicker.

3. Polishing up your Reading and Writhing skills

How to Improving Reading

  • as much and as often as possible.
  • recommend reading process
    • Skim or preview the text
    • Read with purpose
    • Make your reading personal
    • Ask questions
    • Translate into your own language
    • Make it Interesting
    • Use context to make sense of ideas
    • Make a note and come back to it
    • Keep the flow, don't mind the word you don't known.
    • Read more

How to Improving Writing

  • understand the format
  • planing and writing
  • imaging you are speaking and explaining your idea to your friends.

4. Using your thinking powers more Effectively

  • Using rational logic
  • Planing systematically
  • Creating and using sub-goals
  • Automating components
  • Working backwards
  • Growth mindset

Part 3 Memory

Long Term Memory

Long Term Memory is all the things you remember and know, such as skill, events, facts, words.

The processing allows you to remember information for a long time is memory process, there is a frame work called levels of processing framework can help us learn things, there are three levels of processing:

  • Shallow processing: This involves processing information based on its physical characteristics, such as its appearance or sound. Shallow processing is relatively superficial and does not involve much semantic or meaningful processing.
  • Intermediate processing: This involves processing information based on its meaning or semantic content. Intermediate processing involves deeper and more meaningful processing than shallow processing.
  • Deep processing: This involves processing information based on its meaning and relating it to other information in memory. Deep processing involves the most meaningful and elaborate processing and is associated with the best memory retention.

How to classifying Long-term memories, that is the structure:

  • Explicit Memory: what memory you can decribe and speak out
    • Episodic memory, remembering life events
    • Semantic memory, know the facts
  • Implicit Memory: what memory you usually didn't know you can do it, such as how you swiming
    • Procedural memory: how to do things
    • Priming memory: Repetition of information and where a recent event or things influences your behaviour
    • Associative learning: where you learn to link events or objects as being related
    • Non-associative learning: Habits

how you Storing Long-term memories:

  1. Stabilisation of the cells in the memory centres of the brain, take minutes or hours
  2. Reorganisation of the parts of the brain , days to months or years

how to enchancing this storing progress:

  • Drugs that stimulate the central nervous system. Endorphins released following exercise is the naturally-occuring stimulants.
  • Sleeping after learning

what will reducing storing progress:

  • Electric shocks to the brain
  • A lack of oxygen to the brain
  • Certain drugs (propranolol to treat post-traumatic stress disorder)

how you retrieval memory:

  • active/conscious retrieval
  • unintentional retrial
  • recognition
2023-03-15 17:27:30 +0800 +0800

I'm a dumb , 今天傻逼了一回

Yesterday, the US stock market rose 2.3%, because of the SVB crisis was solved, and CPI data was as expectated. And the Hongkong stock market is going down yesterday, I think Today the Hongkong market will raise as the US market, so I'm bought XIAOMI back at 11.24(which i sold at 11.56), the price went up in the morning, reaching a high of 11.36, but it soon went down again. I sold at 10.96, and lost about 10k HKD.

I feel angry, sad, and disappointed about myself. I realize that I made a mistake by speculating and gambling on XIAOMI's stock, despite knowing that it was not a good time to hold the company. I bought it simply because the market was rising, without considering the company's situation. Additionally, I lacked the knowledge to analyze the market and made my decision based on intuition alone.

I regret my immaturity and recognize that this is a big mistake that I need to remember in life. Therefore, I am recording it.


  1. I will focus on studying and learning the logic, behavior, and fundamental knowledge of investing. SHARE what I learn in my blog.
  2. Only invest INDEX and BOND , not gamble company price. base on probability. If I don't know the reason and probability, I will Hold CASH (For now the US FUND intrest is about 3%+ , it's a good choice for no risk hold).

昨日美股上涨2.3%,主要因为SVB危机解除,CPI数据在预期中。 而且港股昨天大跌跌,我觉得今天港股会随着美股上涨,所以我在11.24买入小米(前些天我在11.56卖出),今天价格确实上涨最高是11.36 ,但很快就下降。 最后我以10.96 的价格卖出,我损失了大约 10,000 港元,我是个笨蛋:

  1. 这次纯属投机和赌博,我知道小米现在不是持有的好时机,我不相信它会很快恢复,但我买它是因为市场上涨,忽略了公司的情况。
  2. 我只是凭感觉购买,没有一套可以验证的模型和方案。

我对自己感到愤怒、悲伤和失望. 之前我在市场上损失了很多钱,但我并不生气,因为以前我只购买指数并长期持有,逻辑是理性的,定投平均价格迟早会回来(实际也是),但这次我很后悔我的不成熟。 我在对基本逻辑一知半解的情况下,刚了解一些利率知识,就迫不及待地想试试,结果很快打脸。



  1. 注重学习,学习逻辑、行为、道理、基础知识。 分享我学到的东西,并在博客中分享
  2. 只投资INDEX和BOND,不赌公司价格。 基于概率决策,如果我不知道原因和概率,我会Hold CASH(目前美国FUND利息在3%+左右,无风险hold还算不错)。
2023-03-15 12:45:00 +0000 UTC

2023-03-15 Don't gamble

Today the plunge of XIAOMI stock price give me a leason of don't gamble.

My question to research:

  • Why SVB crisis happened? how intrest rate raise lead bank crisis?
  • how federal rate raise affect the bond rate ?
  • why bank crisis and bond price up and yield down?
  • why 30 year bond yield goes up when federal fund rate goes up (short-term rate goes up)?
2023-03-15 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

Get Feedback

Get Feedback is the key to train my self, without feedback, many things may stay Not Even Wrong, Learn in public is a technique to get feedback.

2023-03-13 09:22:00 +0000 UTC

Afghanistan women droped out school

Afghanistan women droped out school

As UN report, 80% children and young women in Afghanistan dropped out school, 1.2million people can't get into school after Taliban issued the injunction of women education.

2023-03-12 09:13:12 +0800 +0800

Tragedys in the world

Tragedys in the world

Today is 2023, and I seen so many tragedys in the world. I realized that I need to do somethings, not just sit and watching. Even I'm too small, but I can do something.

I will explore the story of real people in the War, Incident, and tradegies. find the root reason, the human behavior, the psychology, etc.. that why bad things happen, what may lead the tradegies happy, and how to stay vigilant and avoid it.

The topic I want write in the future maybe:

  • The war in Syria
  • Afghanistan Women Rights
  • The war in Ukraine and Russia
  • The Story of Pig Butchering Scam

Afghanistan Women Rights

2023-03-12 09:13:12 +0800 +0800




  1. [What]Inteligence Comes from move, transfer, staic things likes stone has no Inteligences, but water with moving may be has Inteligences. Inteligence is a kind of pattern or function, and it can transfer one thing to another.
  2. [Why]It's not peopele design Inteligence to do something, It's something (which has potential energy) let the Inteligence appear.
  3. [Where]It's sounds like Human being is the most complex Inteligence, but it's not.
    1. More Complicated Inteligence is Society. Back to theory 2, It's not Human being designed Society, It's whole Human being's Require, Demands, let the Society appear. It's grow from tribe to group to nation to today's whole world society.
    2. AI Born from There is more efficient solutions to solve problems, the problems('s energy) lead the solutions(AI, or others in future) to appear.
    3. Company is also a inteligence, it's drive by specify demands, compounds of people, team, resources, and so on.
  4. [How1]Inteligence's Basic Element is
    1. Potential energy (why inteligence exists)
    2. Pattern (the form maybe service, organization, solutions, product, company , organism and so on. all about how to make the move, the perfect inteligence is the straight way make the move).
  5. [How2]Inteligence's Bacis Purpose is
    1. survive(let self exist)
    2. expand(let self be great exist,to absorb more resources,energy)

If you want to know a inteligence, you should know it's potential energy, the pattern may be change ,the energy is always the same.

  • Is apple a good company? first you need find the potential energy, It's probably comes from People's demand of mobile work, mobile entertainment, mobile communication, and so on. and Then you need find is it the best solutions.
  • Find energy is more and more important and find a pattern, the high potential energy need less pattern you need to build example:
    • People need eat. but less need clothes.
    • GFW make a super high potential energy difference, it's makes a lot easy pattern exists.
    • Traditional Education also made a high potential energy difference, People spend much more time on meaningless education(It's meanful sometimes, it's made so many verified and filtered great worker to support old production relations), but more straight pattern now appears, like self-education, straight get to work, and so on. internet make new pattern possible.

Think as a artificial inteligence

  1. both human and AI are neural network, they has no basic diference. only scale, complexity's diference.
  2. human's ability is more comes from train (not only school stuty, it's just you learn from all the things you see, hear, touch, and so on), so you can also be the Olympic champion, or the best programmer, or the best singer, or the best painter, or the best writer, or the best anything you want to te.
  3. But, the most important thing is you need to train. train to learn , train to speak, train to build solutions, the more you partake in, the more ability you will get.

Self Training

  1. time is the most important thing, stick on it.
  2. known where the potiential energy difference comes from.
  3. more pattern
2023-02-25 22:59:00 +0000 UTC








——Just write some phrase, on the day I finally decided focus on my own practice and dream, not disturbed by the pressure and money.

Stick on a thing is not easy, especially stick on the life, stick on what I believe. But that's give me courage, give me strength, give me confidence and give me happy. I love it, eventhough I'm poor, I'm weak, But, It's me, it's real me.

2023-02-22 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

From result oriented to process oriented

A big change since me known that I was a neural network likes AI, is trun from result oriented to process oriented. From set a goal and perform it to set a enviorment and set the routine. just try and try, I don't know if it's possiable, I just know it will be possible.

I used to set a goal of lose to 75kg, and list the thing I need todo , like exercise at morning, sleep at 11pm. eventhough I had archieve this goal now, but not by follow my plan, things change a lot, I usually didn't finish my plan and I'm frustrating, sometimes I'm not exercise long time. things change from i just set the time , i need a exercise per 2 days, whatever the exercise is it. running , bicycle , or just squat.

And for the develop app, I have many idea to do, and have so much things to archieve, it's hard to schedule how i can finish it. so i explore and finish a feature and a feature, but it's just so long to the milestone . so I change to just stick time on it. forget the version 1, version 2, I have time, I can make someting in this time. things gonna easy.

2023-02-19 12:00:00 +0000 UTC



我不喜欢戴口罩,尤其是因为我知道它对新冠不起作用。 在Omicron爆发之前,公共场所都必须戴口罩,所以我去地铁或图书馆等公共场所时必须戴口罩。

当疫情开始消退时,进入公共场所仍然被要求戴口罩。 有一天,我没戴口罩去地铁,保安也没拦我。 我很高兴以为禁令结束了。第二天就发现这只是一个例外,禁令照旧。但是我琢磨了一下,发现地铁上的语音提示从“请全程佩戴好口罩,否则将会劝离” 变成了简单的 “请全程佩戴好口罩”。 他们删除了“劝离”的部分。 我意识到,于理,根据法律没有规定公共交通需要戴口罩(地铁上外放音乐他们都有权处罚,但是不戴口罩没有),于情,新冠降级,他们已经无权强制公众戴口罩了。

所以我开始不在公共场所戴口罩。 这是结果记录:

  • 安检员和保安都会叫我戴上。 不过也不会勉强,只要我坚持的话,还是可以进入地铁的。
  • 我在地铁上看到的每个人都戴着口罩。
  • 一些保安人员以为我忘了带口罩,所以要给我一个。
  • 当我反问为什么我必须戴口罩时,他们会说“这是规定”或“每个人都这样做”。 但是当我要求具体规则时,他们不会提供。他们说,她们没有收到任何停止戴口罩的通知,所以继续要戴。
  • 图书馆会检查没有戴口罩的人。有一次保安追着我要我戴,继续着那套进来就要戴,大家都戴的说辞,我说请拿出强制戴口罩的规定,他说不是强制是劝导希望配合,我说我不喜欢戴我不配合,他说“不配合,不配合可以”就走了。

今天(02-10),图书馆将说辞从“你需要戴,这是规定”改为“如果可以请戴口罩”。 我很高兴看到这种变化,特别是因为我的“不遵守”可能会产生一些影响。



  • 一开始是有压力和极度的不适应,其实保安和安检员,工作人员没把我怎么样,就只是劝我,但是心理压力来自:跟所有人不一样每天至少3次对抗(2次进地铁,一次进图书馆),我很多次,把手伸进口袋去拿口罩,有时候手就在口袋里拿着口罩,走到安检前才决定不拿出来。
  • 遇到一些强硬语气很不好的,开始我会生气,想理论一番。现在次数多了,就无所谓了,笑笑不说话就走了。


  • 疫情确实刷新了我的认知,特别是行为,认知,潜规则,法规的边界
  • 以前我以为政府和事业单位,公共单位都是依照法律法规办事,没规定不办事,实际上很多情况不是,有很多模糊地带,这些模糊地带不一定是出于懒政,而是管理模式和规则滞后性。
  • 戴不戴口罩,原因其实很复杂,远不是能不能防新冠能解释。比如:
    • 安慰效应,获得一种掌控感,甚至有些会因为这种安慰感被破坏而感到愤怒,比如我带小孩走在路上遇到过老太太指着小孩说戴好口罩(这很不友好)
    • 管理规则的滞后性,在人治模式下,要做什么会急冲冲,不用做什么则是慢慢慢,比如到现在,其实堂食要间隔的规定并没有取消。
    • 戴口罩本身确实能防过敏,一定程度防止流感等,疫情让很多人认识到这个好处,会有更多人戴,但照概率分布,应该只是部分不是大多数。
    • 规则本身的可执行性非常重要,为什么间隔堂食很快没有了,戴口罩还存在,打疫苗也没有流行起来(少于5%),这就要看性价比,阻力大小,远不是能不能防病毒的简单判断。
  • 对自己而言,了解问题,了解各方的解决方案,了解解决方案背后的模式,很关键,有时候顺从自己的直觉并不一定是你的最优解。
2023-02-10 11:00:00 +0000 UTC

A experiment of hebavior in society

A experiment of hebavior in society


I didn't like to wear a mask, especially since I knew it didn't work on Omicron, so I would not wear it when possible. Before the Omicron outbreak, wearing a mask was mandatory in every public place, so I had to wear a mask when going to public places such as the metro or library.

Things got interesting when the pandemic started to fade. More people started wearing masks in public places, and masks were still required. I wondered when it would end. One day, I didn't wear a mask going to the metro, and the security did not stop me. I was happy that the mask mandate was ending, but that was just an exception. I was reminded to wear a mask next time.

The voice notice at the metro changed from "You should wear a mask or you will be asked to leave" to simply "You should wear a mask." They removed the "asked to leave" part. I realized that, based on the law, they had no right to force the public to wear masks, they could only persuade it.

So I started trying not to wear a mask in public places. Here's what happened:

  • Every time, I was told to wear a mask. However, they wouldn't force me, and I could still take the train if I insisted.
  • Every person I saw on the metro was wearing a mask.
  • Some security personnel thought I forget take a mask, so they gave me one.
  • When asked why I had to wear a mask, they would say "it's the rule" or "everyone does it." But when I asked for specific rules, they wouldn't provide them. One woman said they hadn't received any notice to stop the mask mandate since the pandemic.
  • The library would check people who weren't wearing masks.

And today (02-10), the library changed the language from "You need to wear it, it's the rule" to "Please wear a mask if you can." I was very happy to see this change, especially since my "non-compliance" might have had some impact.

Sometimes I struggled with the decision to wear a mask. It's easy, and nobody would discourage me, intercept me, or forbid me. The fear of being different from others, causing trouble, or not respecting others' work often made me choose to wear a mask. Many times, I reached into my pocket to grab the mask and then hesitated.

I think I learned why all people in the metro wear masks and why fewer people in the grocery store do by observing myself.

  • For society, it's like a water valve. People's decision not to wear a mask is like water, and the more valve loose, the more water flows out. If you want to stop the water, you have to put in a lot of effort to close the valve.
  • For individuals,
    • many of them just don't want to cause trouble.
    • some are afraid, and the mask makes them feel safer.
    • the stress of being different from others is overwhelming.

If you're a person who just wants to do what you want without causing trouble, try it. When you face the stress of being different, just tell yourself it's just stress. Your actions are based on logic, not stress. Be kind to others, smile and go, and avoid conflicts.

2023-02-10 11:00:00 +0000 UTC




  • 生下来吃喝拉撒占据了你 80%欲望与诉求
  • 大概活几十年就会死,前半截呜呼哀哉,后半截呜呼哀哉
  • 无论你如何努力,将来你都没办法在 [任何任何任何] 具体的问题上战胜 AI, 不管是绘画,作诗,音乐,科研,情感
  • 如果你说阶层固化,阶层其实不固化,从来都是三十年河东三十年河西,但是你即使突破到最顶级的阶层,实际上你还是在一个很低维度的阶层,跟所有人类在一个水平线,今天吃喝拉撒,明天为一点多巴胺尝试各种新奇的事情,,后天为了未来确定的危机而强身健体改变命运


  • 人的本质不复杂,就那么多细胞,那么点脑容量,那么点神经网络,无法存储任何图像细节,但是这是个迭代了无数无数轮的神经网络。迭代本身就是传奇。从单细胞到组织到生命到社会。
  • 简单的模型,演化到复杂的模型,带来的是认知能力的提升,未来认知能力会继续向指数级提升。全方位碾压现在人类的神经网络。全方位,任何方位。从第一性原理,人类不可能不能被取代,从现在 CHATGPT 等通用模型的发展大家就可以看到未来会怎样。
  • 从个体到群体到部落到社会,神经网络的能力不断的在增强,现在个人在社会面前同样是被碾压状态,在社会能力面前,任何个体组织都是极其可以忽略的存在。在 AI 智能的时代,社会都只是 AI 组织关系里的一块供应链,更何况人类。


  • 个体的命运,能做什么,有太多的外界限制
  • 个体的能力,能做到什么,却没有任何限制,大家的模型硬件是差不多的,没谁的头有大象大。
  • 个体的能力,取决于训练,你可以学会 20 门语言,你可以滑雪成为世界冠军,只要大量大量训练。
  • 个体的能力差异,取决于历史的训练结果,未来的能力,取决于当下训练的结果,当然不是希望每个人所谓的发愤图强(在一个已知规律里卷没任何意义),而是希望你这个独特的灵魂,有敢于做任何事的勇气,尊重规律,向着自己深处的喜欢踏实探索。
  • 人类的命运,限制在骨子里,生物天花板,究其一生都在与这些纠缠。但探索认知挑战也写在骨子里,这里面的乐趣无穷无尽,每一个决策,每一个新的认知,都是自己这个模型的迭代升级,这么来看,如何迭代升级自己,其实完全掌握在自己手里。
2023-02-06 12:58:00 +0000 UTC

just try whisper

yesterday I tried webrtc-vad + baidu asr to recognize text in audio files, and today i found a openai project called whisper and it's stunned me , everything work perfect especially it's can run in local, so i didn't need to afraid the expense of online service fee.

2023-01-04 22:30:00 +0000 UTC