slan's blog



Enduring Loneliness

Whenever I reach my goals or await the outcome, a profound emptiness settles in, leaving me uncertain about my next steps.

The wait is unbearable - isolated and unsupported, I find myself irresistibly drawn to distractions, constantly refreshing for updates to kill time, and craving conversation. Yet, waiting is an indispensable life lesson. I must harness this time for introspection, learning, and self-improvement.

For if I succumb to the allure of fleeting gratifications, I risk forfeiting the potential for true liberation.

When emptiness:

  • ❌ Surfing and refreshing for updates, seeking talks.
  • ✅ Reading, Listing podcast, Reflective Writing.
  • ✅ Exercise, Meditation, Walking.
  • ✅ Planing.
2024-10-18 10:32:33 +0800 +0800

The Pain of Selling Puts

Selling puts is a good strategy to earn money when the price is steady or slightly up. The pain comes from:

  • When the price goes up quickly, you see that the profit is much smaller than if you had bought the stock.
  • When the price goes down, you lose money equivalent to the price drop.

If you can bear the pain of not getting as much profit as buying stock, that small and steady profit will start to accumulate, and you will see the power of compounding.

2024-10-17 16:07:13 +0800 +0800

New Blog Template Again

I just changed the blog template to make it simpler. I also added a cat to my blog, so I'm not as lonely now 😊.

from: alt text

to: alt text

2024-10-16 17:57:49 +0800 +0800

Long time no write

What I need to do in the short term to recover from training:

  • Training Body: Recover from running, keep weight under 70kg.
  • Training Mind: Build a system to listen, read, and write. Try to build models.
2024-10-07 16:28:00 +0000 UTC

The Path of Least Resistance

  • Biden: Kill SEC's Crypto Accounting Policy, Ethereum ETFs, hiring a meme manager.
  • Biden: Open war on hidden "junk fees" like airline and bank fees.
  • Biden: Blind on Iran's sanctions, Iranian oil reaching Europe freely.

Biden can't tackle the INFLATION, so the path of least resistance is obvious: Do whaterver he can to get the votes, even though it's insignificant to solve the problem.

This is my learn note on the podcast. Follow me to get more. reference:

#hashtag: LearnThroughPodcast ValidEnglish

2024-05-24 13:59:00 +0000 UTC


tk发了一条微博:“美国从红州限堕胎到到蓝州零元购,中国从《妇女儿童权益保护法》到医药集采,背后都是同一个原理。我在私下给一些朋友详细讲过这个政府第一性原理。可惜不能在这里说。但看了上面这四个仿佛完全扯不到一起去的例子,也许有人能自己想明白。想明白了这个原理,不仅能理解很多事情,也能预测很多事情。 ”

限制坠胎是Roe坠胎案被推翻,导致在联邦层面失去坠胎合法权 0元购是2014出的法案,盗窃950元以下商品等罪行从重罪降为轻罪,原因是加州等地方监狱人满为患


2024-05-23 16:50:00 +0000 UTC

401k, why is it not working well?

The 401k is a dominant retirement plan in the U.S. This year, 4.1 million Americans turn 65 years old, but 49% of people aged 55-65 have nothing in their 401k account, and 10%-20% of retired people live in poverty. Why does the 401k not work as expected? And why is this a problem that will damage belief in the capitalist system?

Before the 401k, in the 50s to 70s, the U.S. had a pension system in the private sector. People would work in a company for 30 or more years, and the company would guarantee a fixed retirement income for the rest of their life. It worked well against the backdrop of lifetime employment and people not living as long as they do now.

The 401k came about by accident. It began when companies wanted to reward their executives, so they created a tax-deferred account to pay bonuses to their executives. The managers could get the money when they retired or left the company. There was a risk whether the IRS would tax the money, but in 1978, Congress passed a law to make it legal. That's how Section 401(k) came about. A retirement specialist, Ted Benna, found this law and used it to create a retirement plan for his company. He provided a matching contribution to his employees. If employees put money in the 401k account, the company would match the same amount of money. It was a win-win situation. The company got rid of the responsibility of the guaranteed pension system, and employees got extra money, tax benefits, and investment growth.

Why did the 401k become dominant in the U.S.? 1) The auto and steel industries declined, and a lot of corporations regarded pensions as a problem. 2) Reaganomics advocated individual responsibility, and the 401k shifted the responsibility from the employer to the employees.

Who can benefit from a 401k? Those who are high-income, disciplined, and have good investment knowledge. They don't need retirement money to live. But who falls out of the system? Those who are low-income, whose company didn't provide a 401k, or they didn't know how to invest, or they had to withdraw the money for an emergency.

The 401k reinforced income inequality. The rich get richer, of course, that tool was first designed for rich people. And normal people benefited from it due to government legislation. That is a common American model, normal people benefit from the elite's move. But the inequality still exists, millions of people falling through the cracks of the retirement system make the country driven toward socialism.

How to solve the problem? There is a plan called the Thrift Savings Plan. It's a retirement plan for federal employees, and Congress is considering expanding it to all Americans. When a company can't provide the matching contribution, the government will provide it.

Will it reduce income inequality? We still don't know, but one thing is clear, in the U.S., a comfortable retired life relies on the individual to make it happen. Retirement is a privilege, not a right.

This article is my learn note on the podcast. Follow me to get more.

#hashtag: LearnThroughPodcast ValidEnglish

2024-05-22 16:10:00 +0000 UTC

I can't change myself

I used to believe that if I keep learning, keep trying, I can live however I like, can be a brand new person. But now I have to admit that is wrong, I'm a person, my parents' son, Chinese, introverted. It's my nature.

I can't change myself, but I can make myself stronger, more resilient, more capable.

2024-05-05 12:59:00 +0000 UTC

How to judge future is stable or will be in chaos?

Democracies: The restraint of leaders in their rhetoric during heated elections is a key indicator. Autocracies: The ability to self-correct when wrong is crucial.

2024-05-04 23:16:00 +0000 UTC


Scarce resources for person:

  • Time
  • Logic
  • Information

And inflation is also drive by Svarcity, if resources are scarce, the price will rise. = money/product, In the long term, product increases drive the inflation down. so the monetary policy is the key dimension to control the inflation in the short term.

#hashtag: investment

2024-04-20 17:09:00 +0000 UTC

Waiting is Hard

I'm shorting Bonds, waiting is so hard, especially face the loss. be patient, be rational!

2024-04-19 16:56:00 +0000 UTC

How will normal people live after AI replaces most of the jobs?

When the U.S. manufacturing industry moved to Japan, Korea, China, lots of other jobs were created for people.

How will normal people live after AI replaces most of the jobs? That is an interesting question to investigate.

  • 1. How has the manufacturing industry changed in the past?
  • 2. Look at the current trend of AI replacing jobs
2024-03-31 22:38:00 +0000 UTC

how to get collapsed bridge out of the water

How will the U.S. Navy remove the collapsed bridge from the water? the bridge is so heavy that it can't be lifted by a crane. bomb it? that's a interesting engineering problem. the news is show they are planning to cut it into pieces and use multiple cranes to lift it. I will keep an eye on how they do it.

2024-03-30 11:06:00 +0000 UTC



截至目前,它完全正确,但是它忽略了一个变量:ai robot, 人口老龄化的速度远远慢于ai在生产制造领域替代的速度。


  • 农业机械化智能化的升级速度,生产装备降价速度是否大于 劳动人口的下降速度。
  • 工业生产领域的巨头增长速度,反应出来的,汽车,电子消费品,生活用品的价格下降速度
  • 能源生产成本,光伏每度电的发电成本

据我观察,这些指标都在以肉眼可见的速度下降,很多gpt moment会不断涌现,短期我在实际押注的是特斯拉的 FSD GPT MOMENT, elon 说不是今年就是明年,我相信它.


#hashtag: investment

2024-03-30 09:35:00 +0000 UTC

FOMC Meeting as expected

FOMC Metting and Powell's dovish speech drive the stock market up. I guess it's low risk to hold stocks until 03/29 PCE data out.

#hashtag: investment

2024-03-21 10:06:00 +0000 UTC

NAR Settlement

NAR's settlement allowed NAR to pay $418 million to recent buyers and modify the rules to potentially reduce commission fees. This could lower housing costs and ease some inflation pressure.

#hashtag: investment

2024-03-21 09:25:00 +0000 UTC

TK's good filter



2024-03-16 10:40:00 +0000 UTC

Be patient

Be patient, don't do much, follow the rational plan. grow up steadily.

2024-03-15 12:21:00 +0000 UTC

Controllable Nuclear Fusion



MIT在搞一个类似ITER的项目SPARC,磁约束上的区别是SPARC是高温超导,ITER是低温超导, SPARC小四倍


Never give up,未来比想象更美好,更现实

2024-03-13 09:59:00 +0000 UTC


ECB's interest rate cut will boost U.S. bonds and stocks.

However, U.S. bond yields may be massively changed by the CPI data on 03/12. be cautious.

2024-03-07 21:34:00 +0000 UTC

PCE in expectations, but not mean inflation is over.

Yesterday's PCE data showed a MoM of 0.4%, which was within expectations. The market has already priced in the hot CPI and PPI data, causing a decrease in bond yield. However, this doesn't mean inflation is over. A 0.4% increase over 12 months equates to 4.8% inflation. Will it cool down? We'll need to wait for the CPI data on 03/12.

invest strategy:

  • hold stock until 03/12.

#hashtag: invesment

2024-03-01 13:47:00 +0000 UTC

Can Bitcoin going to the moon?

Btc, an attention-driven business, will peak in an economic ease cycle before declining. Eventually, it'll reach an attention limit, lose public interest, and fare worse than gold.

#hashtag: invesment

2024-02-29 10:34:00 +0000 UTC

Wired bonds

Despite high inflation expectations, Treasury bond yields are declining, possibly due to risk aversion-driven demand before PCE release. This is evident as the stock market drops and short-term yields rise back today, while long-term yields still fall.

#hashtag: invesment

2024-02-26 10:36:00 +0000 UTC

How to rough estimate TLT price change from treasury yield change

TLT price ~= Treasury yield change

example: US 20-year treasury yield change from 4.4% to 4.3%,

  • treasury yield change : 4.4 - 4.3 = 0.1, change =0.1/4.4 = 2.27%
  • TLT price change ~= 2.27%

#hashtag: invesment

2024-02-17 21:18:00 +0000 UTC

Poem from Tahrez

Let warring ways be banished from the world.

Let justice everywhere its carpet throw.

May Friendship reconcile ancient hatreds.

May Love grow from the seed of love we sow.

2024-01-22 16:12:00 +0000 UTC

Fuck the Low Mood

Forgive me, God, or whatever you are. Whether you forgive me or not, I don't care.

What I should do:

  • Train, do my best to improve myself, no matter how hard it is, I can do it!
  • Rest, this is part of training, do it!
  • Create, build the list, finish the list!
2024-01-17 16:17:00 +0000 UTC

Pure consumption leads to my anxiety

I'm somewhat down today. A high amount of listening has made me not want to do anything. I'm tired!

I need some change.

2024-01-17 16:03:00 +0000 UTC

Family Guy

Can't wait to announce that I'm a fans of the animated sitcom Family Guy.

2024-01-12 11:32:00 +0000 UTC

Listening The Daily's "The Afterlife of a gun"

What happens to guns that nobody wants any more?

In U.S. police departments, many firearms are kept from confiscations, buyback programs, and other sources. There are usually 2 ways to dispose of them:

  • melt it down
  • destroy it by blowtorch or sledgehammer

But what people commonly don't know is that a company called Gun Busters provides a free service. They will destroy the gun by just destroying one piece like the receiver or the frame (which is allowed by law). However, the problem is that the gun isn't fully destroyed. They also sell the materials to others, and these materials can be used to make new guns.

2024-01-10 12:59:00 +0000 UTC

I will Never! Never! Never forgive those who start and support the war!

In just one second, a little boy lost his mother in Gaza. There are thousands of unseen tragedies in the war.

2024-01-10 09:59:00 +0000 UTC

Explore, from exhausted to satisfied



于是我拿着赔偿款可以够一够next level的耳机了,看评测,发现舒适度排行第一的耳机Sony WH CH720n, 索尼的无线耳机xm4我买过,重,不舒适,降噪虽强但是极度不适应,所以出了,这个720号称是索尼最轻的包头耳机,于是我决定给他一个机会。

已经等了两三天了,我不想再等了,京东769次日达,淘宝海外自营679,2天后达 当然是选便宜的,本来下单了,看到了同城自提只有10km,又心痒了,没骑一会,大货车呼啸带过来的灰尘让我想起一句话:“不要花时间在低于自己时间价值的事情上”,一个闪送三十块,干嘛要自己去取。来都来了只能硬着头皮去继续骑,只能安慰自己我是在体验贫穷,好让我知道没钱是多么艰难。出了绕城,来到一片工地包围的写字楼,终于拿到了货。命运的齿轮开始转动,心情从最低谷开始上升。



2024-01-07 16:54:00 +0000 UTC

Happy New Year!

Just came back from the New Year's Countdown Activity. 2023 is gone, the past year is full of loving memories. Thanks to all the people who have come into my life, with your love, I have the courage to face the unknown future. I love you all.

In 2024, I will do my best to love, love my family, love myself, love my friends, love the world.

2024-01-01 01:43:00 +0000 UTC

How to define a person.

A human's structure:

  • Level 3: Service // What he provides
    • System
    • Product
  • Level 2: Action // What he can do
    • Storage: Knowledge
    • Processor: Thinking ability
  • Level 1: Body // What he has
    • Health
    • Age
    • Strength
    • Energy
2023-12-28 11:23:00 +0000 UTC

Caution: I'm losing the ability to deep think

Recently, I've been unable to focus. My brain is full of noise, busy surfing, catching new things, but I can't foucus on the job that I should be doing.

Yesterday, I tried not to use a PC, or pencil and paper to make a plan of how to write codes, just in my brain. At first, it was so hard. I couldn't even remember the idea that I just thought of, many other things distracted me. The outside world is so attractive, people are moving, talking, the metro is arriving at stations, cars are passing by. How is Blue's competition going? How will the stock market go? Will PCE go up again?

I tried to create some containers in my brain to hold my thoughts. They're rectangular box, I put the plan from top to bottom, first, second, third. The box is emptied again and again because I can't remember what I just planned to do, but when I tried sometimes, those boxes stick in my brain, what I need to do is so clear.

Now I know the reason why I can't focus, why the outside world is so easy to distract me. I lack inner thinking. Nowadays, I can easily write notes and sync them across all my devices, but my brain is exercised less and less, then I will lose the ability to store, process, and recall information in my brain.

2023-12-28 09:16:00 +0000 UTC

Weekly Report 20231224: Valley of Despair

#time: 2023-12-26

Yes, you read that correctly. Today is Tuesday, but I'm writing last week's report.

Last week was full of mess:

  1. [ ] Service
    1. [ ] Wrote RSS subscribe feature, but failed to finish it. Just couldn't focus on it, wrote for a while, and got distracted by other things.
    2. [x] Started weekly communication with users.
  2. [x] Finished reading the book "Revolution of Glucose".
  3. [ ] Didn't finish the listening goals.
  4. [ ] Slept better than last week, but still not good.

The main reason for this mess is that I didn't have clear priorities, just did what I remembered. When things started going bad, I didn't have a buffer to handle it. I have reorganized my priorities:

  • 1. Push service to public. Build a service that can earn 6k$/month
  • 2. English improvement
  • 3. Health, exercise, eat healthy food, sleep early, take care of my family.

When time switches to these priority zones, I should focus on them, not keep other things in mind.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-12-26 09:43:15 +0800 +0800

Mental status: Mouse

Mouse is a mental status invented by me to describe a status that I need to do a hard thing, but I'm not want to do it, i'm avoid to face it, surf the internet, do other things, but eventually I also need to do it.

When I'm in this status, I need to :

  • listen a music that I like
  • write down any thing I can to to make the goal more clear. or more near.
  • just do the simple thing.
2023-12-21 15:00:00 +0000 UTC

Weekly report 20231217 Continue to Coding

this week:

  1. Kickd out by Xuan's English learning program. cause I didn't commit enough time to learn english.
  2. develop Valid English App to v29, improve highlights, and fix bugs, and add a feature of dictation.
  3. [x] Finish half marthon in 2:04 at Hangzhou.
  4. [ ] not finish book reading goal. 50%
  5. [ ] carefully listen podcast 2/3
  6. [ ] casually listen podcast group 1/4
  7. [ ] sleep goal runs bad.

half marthon

Next week:

  • perform better in Daily Maintenance program, schedule at morning, review at night, write down logs.
  • build a App development pipeline. publish every 2 weeks.
  • write english leanring guide experience. find resouces.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-12-17 22:45:00 +0000 UTC

Weekly report 2023-12-10 (Anxiety)

Yesterday, I was anxious about what I was doing. When I remember the past year of my study and work, it was just so-so. Sometimes I could find something to pursue, but most of the time I was driven by events. I didn't do something that I was really satisfied with. I have wanted to learn English for almost 10 years, and have been running intermittently for 7-8 years. I didn't do it really well, things just happened to me, and that's it. No more, no surprises. This year my running and English skills are better, not because I have changed my performance or mindset, but simply because I have had more time to do it.

When I started to learn English with Xuan, I found that my problem is my attitude towards life. I'm a "just ok" man, and usually fool myself into thinking that I'm doing well. My English learning process is the best example. I know English is my most important skill, but I didn't really take it as the most important thing to do. Sometimes I watched movies, sometimes I listened to podcasts, and sometimes there were many other things that interrupted my learning progress.

Upon deep thinking, I know that what I lack is the courage and ability to face difficulties.

  • Learning IPA is boring, so I just skipped it. // Hence, my pronunciation is bad.
  • Marking is hard, so I'll just do it in the future. // Hence, I didn't get much feedback and help.
  • Reading the book is hard, can I just listen and watch for fun? // Hence, I didn't solidify my English skills.
  • Algorithms are hard, Machine Learning is hard, it's not about my job, maybe I'll learn it in the future.
  • Weekly reports are boring, summaries are boring, socializing is boring.

I know I don't need to do all of these things good, and I can't do all of them well. But what about my dream? How can I achieve my dream? If I'm sloppy in all things, I will never get it. It's time to admit it.

This week

  • I published my English APP, and received much feedbacks.
  • Mainly learned English with Xuan, practiced pronunciation, and read the book.

Next week

  • English improvement, practice pronunciation use RAZ, read books and listen to podcasts 3hours+ per day.
  • APP improvement, fix bugs, improve highlight.
  • Build service for beginner, find listen materials, and write guide for beginner.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-12-10 17:33:00 +0000 UTC


2023-12-09 14:44:00 +0000 UTC

I got a new MacBook Pro

Recieved my new MacBook Pro today, It's faster, more battery life, but why I'm not excited as before?

2023-12-08 00:13:00 +0000 UTC

It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward

2023-12-05 12:24:00 +0000 UTC

I got the -lee !!!!

with hundreds of practice, and the help of, I finally got the -lee sound.


the key is to make mouth more wide.

2023-12-03 00:07:00 +0000 UTC

Frustrated by my Pronunciation

Today, I spent some time trying to follow the RAZ video to shadow read the sentence, but the first one sucked. The sentence is "Insects have many kinds of wings."

Insect, wings, kinds, are the words that I mispronounced. I corrected the “t” in Insect, and “-ing” in wings, but the biggest problem is "kind". Most of the time, I read it as "canned" or "cans" or "candle". I spent whole day try to correct it, but still can't get it right. all the words with -lee sounds i can't pronounce it right. like:

  • simply
  • family
  • Actually

I always pronounce it as -nee, I had tried compare the wave form, shadowing, but it's not work, even my wife and daughter that can pronounce it right, but failed to correct me. Haha. there must be something is wrong, I will find it out.

2023-12-02 22:21:00 +0000 UTC

Launched My English App

Today, I launched my English app and received much feedback. I'm very glad it works without any major problems. I have many things to study and many challenges to face, but I will make it come true.

2023-12-01 23:52:00 +0000 UTC

English Learning Adjustment

I have been learning English with Xuan (X^2) for 3 days. Every time, she gives me refreshing and new shocks. She is an incredibly interesting person with very high standards in everything. Studying with her is full of challenges, but the feeling of excitement and hope is so unforgettable.

With her help, I found that what I need to do most importantly is to get much more comprehensible input. It's not just about listening more, but also about building my high-quality transformer system.

  1. I need to delve deeper into the scene, analyze the words and sentences, and try to tell the story in my own words.
  2. I need to correct my pronunciation and try to use speech-to-text to check my story.
  3. The more input I get, especially if it's dense and correlated, the easier it will be to learn English.
2023-11-30 23:16:00 +0000 UTC

Unknown Pathway

An unkown way may not lead to your destination, but absolutely it will lead you to a new world.

2023-11-28 15:22:00 +0000 UTC

I met a fantastic person

I met a fantastic person who is incredibly interesting. We chatted from morning until now. She pointed out my English problems very deeply, and she is very talented at drawing and exploring. She is very good at English and full of love for life. I'm so happy to have met her.

2023-11-28 14:16:00 +0000 UTC

11-28 Sunny Day

Begining today's work, wishing everything goes well.

2023-11-28 09:16:00 +0000 UTC

I should increase my output

Yesterday, I reorganized my blog and found that what I write about is shallow and fragmented. I should increase my output, write down the things I'm learning. That is an indispensable way to learn.

2023-11-27 09:37:00 +0000 UTC


This world is filled with people who are more professional and greater than you. I'm so jealous of them. Why didn't I become them? Why are they younger than me and more successful than me?

Actually, I know the reason. I didn't spend as much time as them, didn't try as massively as them, didn't discipline myself as they did. I just wanted to do little and gain more.

Now, I'm writing this down, and I'll get some sleep, and fight again when I wake up.

Keep fighting, you stupid old man!

2023-11-26 16:19:00 +0000 UTC

Quantum Entanglement: From Philosophy to Mathematics, through Science to Technology


#hashtag: thoughts

2023-11-25 14:39:00 +0000 UTC

Never use local language subtitles to learn English

You should never use local language subtitles to learn English. This is because your brain will force you to think in your local language. Try watching this video with Chinese subtitles, you won't recognize the vocabulary and will just understand the meaning in Chinese.

#hashtag: English

2023-11-25 13:53:00 +0000 UTC

Summary of week 2023-11-25

I should try to write summaries periodically. When I'm not working in a company, I don't need to write a weekly report finnaly, but I also miss the chance to think, review the past, and plan regularly.

So I decide to write a summary weekly, monthly.

Work finished:

  • ValidEnglish APP now has concise vocabulary explanations and vocabulary encounters. This helps with better recognition of vocabulary.
  • New blog features: 'Moments' and UI improvements. These help me write more.
  • New blog feature: 301 redirects using git rename history. This allows me to restructure the blog freely without worrying about historical links.

Work not finished (expected to finish over the weekend)

  • Generate concise vocabulary explanations using Azure API.
  • Daily card, helps review activities of the day, brings recent memories back.
  • Publish public beta version of ValidEnglish APP. (guide, announcement)

Next week's plan:

  • Use best practices to connect with more users.
  • Explore the best ways for office workers to use the ValidEnglish APP.
    • Short videos that they might be interested in.
  • Continue to build my learning, promise, and mantainance system. Next week, restructure my blog about it.

#hashtag: WeeklyReport

2023-11-25 08:55:00 +0000 UTC

Enery Level experience

A = Good sleep, regular exercise
B = Not enough sleep, no exercise, tiredness, stress
X = Eagerness to do things, doing it right now

A + X > B + X > A > B

In the past year, I have tried to make an effort to achieve A, but it hasn't worked as expected. Despite plenty of sleep and regular exercise, I still didn't have much motivation to do things.

I find the best way is to continuously build an environment to try to solve the problem that's on my mind. To build, to code, to write. Even when I'm tired, my memory is weak, and my brain can't focus, I can still try to nail it. And make some progress.


2023-11-25 07:53:00 +0000 UTC

share my dinner


Stew with mushrooms, vegetables, eggs, rice, shrimp, and beef balls. It's too hot, so add a generous amount of ice.

2023-11-24 20:01:00 +0000 UTC

beautiful sky at the library


Finish a day's work, then go back home. See the beautiful sky with airplane trails. It's so beautiful.

#hashtag: life,beauty

2023-11-24 19:47:00 +0000 UTC

The happy of build and fix things.

The new blog is complete. The main features of this update include:

  • Support for moments, transforming markdown code into beautiful messages.
  • Automatic 301 support for historical URLs (parsing git log to find changed file names).
  • UI improvements.

I'm easily drawn into building or fixing things, like repairing a water tap, keyboard, replacing a battery, fixing bugs, changing a UI. Even when it's not cost-effective, and buying a new one might be cheaper, understanding the problem and fixing it brings me joy.

The total cost is 3 days. I need to get back on track with the APP development.

2023-11-24 14:59:00 +0000 UTC

interview with Applovin

#time: 2022-11-30

Today i got a interview with Applovin, The headHunter said it's seeking a devops leader , cause Applovin is a oversea company , so i got try this job , maybe it can support transfer, but things goes weird , i see the position at email is devops engineer not leader, and the question in interview is very basic:

first is a coding test, write a function to implement loadblancer,giving some ip with ranks, i calulate the probability with sum total ranks, and use random number to test is hit in this probability, but i get 30 min to implement this function, maybe takes too much time , I'm so poor of algorithm test.

and then is question of how dns work, tcp udp difference, and what middleware i had operate.

finally, they end the interview, i thinks there is some misunderstanding of the positon, they maybe only need a experienced ops, and the headhunter said they need a devops leader.

anyway, thanks this interview, get me to know how online algorithm coding test works, and i have much more work to improve my express.

今天有个Applovin面试,猎头说他们在找一个devops leader,因为applovin是海外公司,所以就试了下这个工作,说不定可以支持transfer,但后面就有点奇怪了,email上看到的职位是devops工程师不是团队负责人,面试的问题很基础:


然后是 dns 的工作原理、tcp udp 差异以及我运维过哪些中间件的问题。

最后,他们结束了面试,我认为这个职位有些误解,他们可能只需要一个有经验的ops,而猎头说他们需要一个devops leader。


2023-11-23 21:48:35 +0800 +0800

new blog, new moments, new begin

just rewrite my blog, added a new feature named moments , for post short message like this.


2023-11-23 17:26:00 +0000 UTC

Github Copilot is a great tool

Copilot can not only help you write code but also help you write anything. I use it to correct my English grammar. 20231122112313

#hashtag: tools

2023-11-22 11:23:00 +0000 UTC

RecordRTC is a free and powerful recorder

RecordRTC is a simple but powerful screen recorder (Chrome extension), and it's free. I have tried a lot of tools that require payment, but they are not as simple as this tool and are too complicated.

The author is

#hashtag: tools

2023-11-22 11:13:00 +0000 UTC

Life is lots of Project

Life is consist of many project with deadline, but usually people did't recognize that it has deadline:

  • You only stay with you kids 18 years.
  • Your work will end when retire, or company close, or find a new job.
  • Your marriage will end when you or your partner die, or when your childs leave your family, or you just want be oneself.
  • Your life will end someday you didn't expect.

Old is you Can't open new project, and your old project closed one by one.

So, when you were young, open as many as the project you love, take care of you projects, there is no in the future it will different, only the Right Now you can enjoy, you can change.

#hashtag: thoughts

2023-10-27 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

2023-10-07 Atomic Habits

读《Atomic Habits 原子习惯》 有感, 这本书值得读一读

自我修炼其实只是 加法,远没有乘法效应那么可观,做几分得几分,能跑了就能跑,能读英文书了就能读,也仅此而已,没有多fancy。

不是屠龙术,但是却是一切的原点,0x啥都是0, 1x啥就是啥,2x啥才开始产生量变,我自己觉得我之前很多地方都是0,现在也仅比0多一点点,还远没有到1,更没有到2。导致我做啥啥不行,英语不好失去会多机会,自制力不行卷不过别人,规划不行浑浑噩噩这么久才发现做了很多无用功。


#hashtag: book

2023-10-07 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


What you believe determines what you do, what you do determines who you are, who you are determines what you believe.

believe that you are the person that you want to be.

then act like the person you like to be.

then you will be the person you want to be.






打破这种局面的,是我有大量时间去和这些做斗争之后,新的时间空间,让我有余力去体会新的事情,新的事情形成习惯,让我逐渐的产生对比,“我” 这个body, 肉体,宁克凡,四岚,想要什么东西,我讨厌那种被肉体支配的感觉,在厕所拉屎都想要拿出手机刷一刷,偶尔想克制不刷,还是止不住的想在口袋里淘。


当然这里面不是那么简单的:因为相信,所以看见。它包含了很多尝试,很多失败和成功,很多你自己的经验积累,这是一条:你是谁->你想要什么->你做什么->你得到什么 的探索路径。不用鸡血,也不用比较,别人真的不重要,这只是你自己一个人的战斗,有梦就去追,累了就休息,只要自己内心认可,往前每小一步自己都会满意。



2023-10-07 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


what inspire me from this video is Taiwan Youngs' hopefulness and resilience, even in the midst of struggles, they strive to move forward.

2023-09-28 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

2023-09-15 观三姊妹纪录片 刚看这个纪录片,是从 一目十影的速看找到这个片子的。







2023-09-15 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


The benifit of do multiple things is:

  1. Keep energy, when I do one thing, I will soon tired and get bored of it. multiple thing use multi part of my body , so I will use my body efficiently.
  2. Learning one thing from another, Example: when I study how to kick leg in swimming , I finally got the reason that why my front leg sored. I focus my shin to move , but it's the minimum part of my leg muscle. when I focus on how to lift my leg, I used my hip to carry the muscle to move. then the shin sore goes away.
2023-07-17 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


Every little boy that was refused by his short and thin body, may became the world champion of football in the future —— with respect to Messi

不管做不做,外界照样转 不管做什么,外界照样说

我改变不了外界,但是可以改变我自己 每一次的行动,都是下一次行动的垫脚石, 在这一次,我克服了恐惧,我克服了担心, 为下一次,积累了一点力量


为每个敢想敢做的人开心,希望这是未来的自己 为每个敢想不敢做的人支持,做梦是自己行动的第一步 为每个不敢想不敢做的人尊重,世界需要可以不做的自由

为每个diss别人做梦的人惋惜,diss or 不diss 世界还是那样蓬勃发展,而diss为自己设下了一道栅栏,强化了自己的人设立场,降低了更多的可能。

2023-07-07 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


life is a experience, thanks for what I experienced, pity what I didn't tried.



2023-07-01 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


Culture bring us together. when Taipei sing the lyric of "河北师大附中(The Middle School Attached To HeBei Normal University)", its a tearful moment.

2023-06-13 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


walk between desperate and hopeful. Keep trying, Nerver ever give up!

2023-06-06 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

US Bank crisis is not over

  1. Bank borrow from FED through BTFP is rise:

  2. They are selling Theasury Securities.(data updates at 2023-05-02, but base on recent days Bonds yields rise, and deposit decline, I think they are continue selling to make liquidity deposit.)

So I guess, the bank crisis is going to emerge again in the nearly future. the Bonds price will going down in short time (cause the banks need sold their bonds to get liquidity) , but when the bank crisis is unmanageable. the fed is going ease rate, the Bonds price will get a good chance to go up.

2023-05-19 17:30:00 +0000 UTC




2023-05-09 12:00:00 +0000 UTC



  1. 尽我所能去避开暴力,
  2. 尽我所能去减少仇恨,先让我自己善待他人,善待自己,坚持立场,帮助需要帮助的人

2023-04-26 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

2023-04-22 PMI and services PMI

Yesterday US Flash manufacturing PMI and services PMI comes in above expectation, services PMI expected 51.5 Actual=53.7, Bond yield goes high, price down. TLT plunge 0.6%.

economic hot means inflation stubbornly continues, that's make the investor who expect FED quickly cut interest rate disappointed and leave bond market.

updated logic link

2023-04-19 Linear regression

Linear regression is a powerful and easy tool to analyisis market, It's solve the problem of that when use Moving Average to predict price probability. it's direction is old than market, only when turn point has happened , the Moving Average turn can be happen.

but with Linear regression slope, you can see the slope become more and more high and when it's high probability can't be true, the turn point will be high probability happen. slope change before price trending change. so it's a useful tool deserve to learn.

2023-03-22 Bond yield goes up

Bond yield goes little up, and stock price rise much, the market is widespeard expectation that the pace of interest rate hike will slow down.

Generate AI likes ChatGPT and Claude and Brad develop so fast and the experience of use those tools shock me. I'm pretty want to buy Nvidia stock, but I had set a rule that not buy individual stock, ok, how about 10 percent?

2023-04-22 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


  1. 活的足够久,你自然能掌握到更好的生产力
  2. 活的开心,明月照大江,别让外界影响自己,这是活的足够久的一个保证
  3. 加强自己对本质的东西的理解,Training自己,很多东西不会变的,比如
    • 语言,让你和世界能加强连接的工具
    • 社会分配关系,有人的地方就有江湖,股市也是个大江湖,由更多的人biubiubiu的绑在一起分配资源
  4. 加强连接,既然想从社会分配中摄取资源,就别隐居,广泛参与到各种分工
    • 4.1 知识传播分工,帮助社会智能中的个体更快的发展,普及, 参与各种社区,开源,发帖,评论,吹牛
    • 4.2 资源分配分工,新的有数字货币,老的有股市基金
    • 4.3 参与分工的时候要专业,不要做中下游的节点
2023-04-10 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

Money is a "Voting Right"

Money is a Voting Right, it's not just a number that you can buy things, it's people's willing of wish you to do something. so invest is vote who can resprent you to do something.

Invest Bond is wish the government to do the right thing like help country grow. invest Nvidia is choose Nvidia as the present of AI infrastructure.

You should choose the best present of the market. judge them as they are a person , a inteligence.

Is Technical sector still the best present of productive ? I think it is. especially at this moment of AI rise.

A respecful older used be very foresighted to proprose the slogan of "Always Represent the advanced productive forces.", I used to think it's just a boring right but meaningless phrase. But now I know how hard to represent productive, how hard to find the pattern of solving the problem, it's so easy to be not even wrong.

Unfortunately, this slogan is not emphasized as much now. However, this slogan is not just a clichéd phrase for results certification, but rather a guiding direction for the iterative process, that is very close to the essence. For a complex intelligent agent, the ultimate goal is to find the optimal path under the potential difference. This slogan is very fundamental, but it is difficult to achieve in practice due to many traps, such as "poorly defined problems, NOT EVEN WRONG, common demand misjudgments, and individual and organizational interests being misaligned" or "precise problem definition, but old models being stubbornly adhered to due to various constraints". Although the optimal path will naturally appears as long as the potential difference exists (and is constantly replaced by competition), But for individuals with limited lifetimes, it is important to focus on whether they represent the optimal path, and not waste time on trivial matters.

2023-03-24 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

I'm a dumb , 今天傻逼了一回

Yesterday, the US stock market rose 2.3%, because of the SVB crisis was solved, and CPI data was as expectated. And the Hongkong stock market is going down yesterday, I think Today the Hongkong market will raise as the US market, so I'm bought XIAOMI back at 11.24(which i sold at 11.56), the price went up in the morning, reaching a high of 11.36, but it soon went down again. I sold at 10.96, and lost about 10k HKD.

I feel angry, sad, and disappointed about myself. I realize that I made a mistake by speculating and gambling on XIAOMI's stock, despite knowing that it was not a good time to hold the company. I bought it simply because the market was rising, without considering the company's situation. Additionally, I lacked the knowledge to analyze the market and made my decision based on intuition alone.

I regret my immaturity and recognize that this is a big mistake that I need to remember in life. Therefore, I am recording it.


  1. I will focus on studying and learning the logic, behavior, and fundamental knowledge of investing. SHARE what I learn in my blog.
  2. Only invest INDEX and BOND , not gamble company price. base on probability. If I don't know the reason and probability, I will Hold CASH (For now the US FUND intrest is about 3%+ , it's a good choice for no risk hold).

昨日美股上涨2.3%,主要因为SVB危机解除,CPI数据在预期中。 而且港股昨天大跌跌,我觉得今天港股会随着美股上涨,所以我在11.24买入小米(前些天我在11.56卖出),今天价格确实上涨最高是11.36 ,但很快就下降。 最后我以10.96 的价格卖出,我损失了大约 10,000 港元,我是个笨蛋:

  1. 这次纯属投机和赌博,我知道小米现在不是持有的好时机,我不相信它会很快恢复,但我买它是因为市场上涨,忽略了公司的情况。
  2. 我只是凭感觉购买,没有一套可以验证的模型和方案。

我对自己感到愤怒、悲伤和失望. 之前我在市场上损失了很多钱,但我并不生气,因为以前我只购买指数并长期持有,逻辑是理性的,定投平均价格迟早会回来(实际也是),但这次我很后悔我的不成熟。 我在对基本逻辑一知半解的情况下,刚了解一些利率知识,就迫不及待地想试试,结果很快打脸。



  1. 注重学习,学习逻辑、行为、道理、基础知识。 分享我学到的东西,并在博客中分享
  2. 只投资INDEX和BOND,不赌公司价格。 基于概率决策,如果我不知道原因和概率,我会Hold CASH(目前美国FUND利息在3%+左右,无风险hold还算不错)。
2023-03-15 12:45:00 +0000 UTC

2023-03-15 Don't gamble

Today the plunge of XIAOMI stock price give me a leason of don't gamble.

My question to research:

  • Why SVB crisis happened? how intrest rate raise lead bank crisis?
  • how federal rate raise affect the bond rate ?
  • why bank crisis and bond price up and yield down?
  • why 30 year bond yield goes up when federal fund rate goes up (short-term rate goes up)?
2023-03-15 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

Get Feedback

Get Feedback is the key to train my self, without feedback, many things may stay Not Even Wrong, Learn in public is a technique to get feedback.

2023-03-13 09:22:00 +0000 UTC








——Just write some phrase, on the day I finally decided focus on my own practice and dream, not disturbed by the pressure and money.

Stick on a thing is not easy, especially stick on the life, stick on what I believe. But that's give me courage, give me strength, give me confidence and give me happy. I love it, eventhough I'm poor, I'm weak, But, It's me, it's real me.

2023-02-22 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

From result oriented to process oriented

A big change since me known that I was a neural network likes AI, is trun from result oriented to process oriented. From set a goal and perform it to set a enviorment and set the routine. just try and try, I don't know if it's possiable, I just know it will be possible.

I used to set a goal of lose to 75kg, and list the thing I need todo , like exercise at morning, sleep at 11pm. eventhough I had archieve this goal now, but not by follow my plan, things change a lot, I usually didn't finish my plan and I'm frustrating, sometimes I'm not exercise long time. things change from i just set the time , i need a exercise per 2 days, whatever the exercise is it. running , bicycle , or just squat.

And for the develop app, I have many idea to do, and have so much things to archieve, it's hard to schedule how i can finish it. so i explore and finish a feature and a feature, but it's just so long to the milestone . so I change to just stick time on it. forget the version 1, version 2, I have time, I can make someting in this time. things gonna easy.

2023-02-19 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

just try whisper

yesterday I tried webrtc-vad + baidu asr to recognize text in audio files, and today i found a openai project called whisper and it's stunned me , everything work perfect especially it's can run in local, so i didn't need to afraid the expense of online service fee.

2023-01-04 22:30:00 +0000 UTC

Recover from covid

I got fever at 21/12 then the test result show that I got COVID-19, It's not very unconfortable at first 2 days, the 3 to 4 day is the hardest , I'm very weak just want stay at bed. at the fifth day i still got little fever so i had goes to the hospital, but everything is fine. now is the sixth day , I'm totaly ok now.

the things happened at these days, changed me some mind, so i want to take a time to replan my plan.

I also spend many time on meanless things and sometimes disappointed, so next phase I will be more focus on my own things.

About the work, did i want back to work now ? No, I think not, i don't want waste time on work , especially after these pandemic days. I need money to raise my family, this idea goes more strongly after these days, but not from work, work is not real stable and uncontinueable for me. I need to provide service directly to people to earn money, time is crucial, be faster!

2022-12-26 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

Hacker spirit

Just see Tombkeeper share how to get the drugs for treat COIVD-19, the Hacker Spirit comes out from my mind, hacker spirit is about to discover, find the detail, connect the slight connections, then things dramatically get done.

Everything looks like normal in appearence, but the underneath hide so much things, only if you get more more informations, you can see the whole picture, then you are the GOD. i remember the time that i finally get the control access of NET CAFE, the time i finally make the application works to help me to play games. the time that i earned money to buy the computer by help the ZYK fans votes.

I like the TA-DA times, when i going to work, i leave this way far more, for earn money, working as normal, as a part make company, bussiness work and grow. that's work, but just work.

I want to do the thing that I can control, the thing that I can change ,the thing that I'm the GOD of it, not only a expert, not only professional, that's need me know the damn detail, damn information, that's need me live in a way of hacker.

Hacker is essential boring , boring in the 99% time, you need to do the damn boring thing such as learn the knownledge, practice, build solutions, improve the solutions, nobody care, nobody buy it, everybody will buy the 1%, but only you know where the 1% comes form.

2022-12-16 13:55:00 +0000 UTC

If you are tired

If you are tired, you'd better to get a rest, a nap, close your eyes, think about nothing, let it go, that's will be very helpful. after a nap, your energy will back immediately.

If you struggle to hold on, that's maybe will let you finish some works, but that's unsustainable. it will be harder and harder , then get you down. it waste more times.

2022-12-15 16:20:00 +0000 UTC

The way to ease anxiety

First is sport, regular sport can let you more peaceable, let you believe that you can easily control your body, worth noting that you need find a right way to take sport, wrong sport way can make you tired, hurt, and frustrated. you need get the knowledge of how to warm up, how to relax muscle, how to monitor your body, how to drink etc... It's definitly a serious thing.

Second is creating, write thoughts, share knownledge, provide service, everthing thats make you produce ideas, speak out your worries to friends is also helpful. somethings it's not need to be that formal, just start is success 80%. Your goal, intrests is come from those normal little things.

2022-12-12 23:11:00 +0000 UTC

about the blog's multi-language support

I think mix english and chinese content is not friendly for reading, so i'm consider how to support multi-language. but it will after i finish my IELTS. there will be a big architecute refactor of ValidSpace.

2022-12-11 01:03:00 +0000 UTC

some thoughts update:

How to win the fight with the big company: big company will focus on their own solutions, the solutions will go very deep, their technology is fancy, but not focus on the real problems, it will be competitive in the field like universal platform, underlayer service , but because the jumbo size they are not really sensitive to particular customer needs, so the service that directly fulfill the particular needs (not universal solutions) will gets more opportunity to survival.

What I'm lack now: that's a critical question that i need to answer, first I'm get many distract, and I'm lacks the experience of long time schedule and get big project done, in past serval month the excercise, english, programmer get some progress, but i still need to clear how reach the future, how to clear the final goal and the pathway, that's a big topic, so i will open a single topic to talk about that.

buffer is important: why people need use their all time to work, study, or do someting, or if not do that They usually will be considered as not hard working, but everything has it's own pathway, if we want achieve the goal, we need to find and follow the logic, not how much hard work. like running, jogging, you need to know how to be healthy excercise, how to adjust when if you failed your plan, and then is keep the routine, you can't short the time to achieve the idea cardiorespiratory capacity, your body, muscle need time to grow up. so don't push you too hard , keep you on the track and move , it is not important that how slow the progress is, if only you can satisfied with the advancement.

when we plan to do something, there will definitely be wrong, unpredictable thing waiting us, if you have much buffer, it is easy to adjust your rhythm and accomplish the plan, when we literally accomplished our plan, then we will get more buffer time to set and finish our goal, not struggle in single circle. like (hard excercise=> hurt or tired=> stop=>feel bad=>hard excercise, or work hard to earn money => tired but not competitive => less opportunity => work more hard).

2022-12-11 00:13:00 +0000 UTC

fly, fly, fly, fly

fly to home.

have a sweet dream. with sweet song, with sweet heart.

2022-12-07 19:26:00 +0000 UTC

1205 summary

it's not easy day. i'm nearly crashed. when i do the listen and reading test , block of unknown questions get me anxious, feels very bad.

then i stop do test, watch youtube and do test again carefully, things going calm down, the score finally gets 6. it's more confidence now.

anyway, it's a productive day , i didn't spent much time in browser fragment informations, completed daily routine,

everything goes fine.

今天不容易。 我快崩溃了。 当我做听力和阅读测试时,一大堆未知的问题让我感到焦虑,感觉很糟糕。



2022-12-05 18:27:00 +0000 UTC

Day 1 of Hangzhou eases COVID control 杭州放松管控的第一天

Today is the first day that Hangzhou eases the COVID control policy; now you don't need to get a PCR test every 3 days to get into the metro, buses, and other public places.

Even though your health code will still be checked, any other code that is not green will prevent you from entering a public place. But it's a big step that will reduce many influences on daily life. People are celebrating the lifting of restrictions.

When I got out this morning, the PCR test site was still open, and people were still going to do the PCR test. What surprised me was that most older people had worn masks; in the past, very few people had worn masks in open space. That's a good thing that older people pay attention to personal hygiene.

I didn't have my PCR test checked, and I didn't have to scan the SITE QR Code; I just had to show my healthy code, and then I was allowed to take the metro and go to the library. and I still need to take a mask to those places.

今天是杭州放宽疫情管控政策的第一天;现在您无需每 3 天进行一次核酸检测即可进入地铁、公共汽车和其他公共场所。




2022-12-05 09:52:00 +0000 UTC

1203 Summary

I'm got districted morning, after afternoon's meditation , i start to control this, get put back on track, and finished the daily routine finally:

  • [x] friends
  • [x] IELTS reading listening test

the score of IELTS still goes 5.5, listening score is 22, better than yesterday, the biggest problem in listening is i can's spell the word right. and the biggest problem of reading is unknown words. need to improve my words base soon.

2022-12-03 20:05:00 +0000 UTC

Don't follow News

In meditation , i thought that follow news is meaning nothing. i spent so much time on it , visit twitter, weibo, v2ex just want to get some useful new informations, it's just a dopamine addiction, i use so much of time seeking for cheap dopamine.

honestly, surfing, seeking easy and cheap things is my biggest problem, sometimes, i can spent whole day, whole night to do those things. how can i change (or theat) it.

Maybe, likes all problems to be soleved, first, i need to define it, second i need to measure it, then i make solutions.

so , i need to open a thread to theat it.

here is the link:slan solve his problem of distracted


老实说,沉迷在简单又便宜的东西是我最大的问题,有时,我可以花一整天、一整夜去做这些事情事。 我该如何改变(或改变)它。


所以,我需要打开一个线程来处理它。这是链接:slan 解决他分心的问题

2022-12-03 15:05:00 +0000 UTC


time is over, i'm still surfing....

try a meditation and back on track

走神走一天了,我要死了。 从现在开始冥想下然后尝试回到正轨 o(╥﹏╥)o

2022-12-03 14:43:00 +0000 UTC

My last shares of Alibaba has cleared with price 91$

My last part of alibaba shares selled now with price 91, now i'm not hold any shares of Alibaba now, the price of the day i join the company is 180, but with not pity, i'm so happy my life didn't get influenced with the stock price, every thing goes fine in plan.


2022-12-03 12:00:00 +0000 UTC


If you are in plight, then take care of yourself. If you are in a good condition, then help others.

just watched how Taiwan's Tech industry grow history, it's start with nothing, visionary likes 李国鼎,孙运璿 and so on, do so many works to grow the semiconductor economic, after decades Taiwannese companies account for 50% of world market.

And in china's history , the story of how Scholar mind the world, help the poor people is innumerable, in Chinese culture, people willing to with mission for make good things happen, willing to help each other. and if you don't have ability to help other, you can also be a good person, let yourself, your family to be better.

That's why i'm proud to be a chinese, even though hard time always coming, but family in your back, world in your front.





2022-12-03 11:49:00 +0000 UTC

impress young people

Now is 1:00 AM, i just heard that beijing is relax the restrictions of covid-2019, that's give me a big suprise that youth is very different from us old man. they do what they want, say what i can't imagine, and !!!! IT'S WORKS!!!!, THANKS to all people that with good heart, good wishes, good purpose(include the GOV) together to make things going to fine.

北京放宽了covid-2019的管控,这让我很惊讶,年轻人和我们老年人很不一样。他们做他们想做的事,说我无法想象的话,而且 !!!!成功了!!!!,感谢所有怀着善意、美好愿望、良好目标(包括GOV)共同努力让事情变得美好的人们。

2022-12-03 01:13:00 +0000 UTC

today's summary

Now is 6:14 PM. prepare to back home now, Honestly I feel tired now, i didn't sleep well at recent days, first is because i didn't schedule my routine well, and today i spented much time to surf news, but still feel satisfied that i complete :

  • watch and study friends so1e17
  • finish 2 IELTS paractice (read , listen), but i only get 5.5 score both of them

keep moving , get quickly to recover!


  • friends so1e17
  • 完成 2 门雅思练习(阅读、听力),但我只得到 5.5 分


2022-12-02 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

first IELTS practice test

I'm going to dead, that's my first IELTS reading practice test, it's got 5.5, my goal is 8, I'm alread dead..............


2022-12-02 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

about my snoring

I found that I was snored when sleeping(I use MI healthy App to record sleep and snore), especially when i got short sleep time, I have bad hadbit that some day sleep after 1:00 AM, if i sleep more than 7 hour , it probably will not snored that night.

The time that i first find i was snoring was at Shanghai lockdown, those day was tired and get sleep very very bad, some day only sleep 1-3 hours(cause need to work at night), i found everybody of my colleagues will snoring, and a colleague said i was snoring too, but not much time. so i think when people get tired , of sleep late, the body need more air immediately,so people will probably get snoring.



2022-12-02 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

Slan's Wishlist

  • For enjoy this world
    • [ ] Fluent in English, IELTS exam gets 8777 // 雅思考试8777
    • [ ] Can communicate in 粤语
    • [ ] Learn piano
    • [ ] Learn French
    • [ ] Go to the new year's eve concert of Mayday band with blue //和女儿现场看一次五月天跨年演唱会
  • For surpass myself , do what I can't
    • [x] Finish half marathon
    • [ ] 参加一次一日双塔
  • For freedom
    • [ ] Build a service that with 10k monthly active users
2022-12-02 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

Do you wanna build a snow man

It's snowing at Hangzhou, very happy play with Blue. she is very exciting that can get a snow fight.


2022-12-01 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220728 update: Cycling 23.46KM



  • 骑行23.46km
  • 时间01:20:40
  • 平均心率143 ,有氧25分,无氧32分,VO2max4分
2022-07-28 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220714 update 骑行梅家坞24km


今天有个很有意思的事情,是有辆警车拦停我2次,第一次拦截失败,在我稍微前面一点停车然后我车速很快,他们还没来得及下车我就骑过去了(能明显感觉到他们从左边突然靠边应该是有什么事情),第二次在我前面很远停,然后从驾驶室直接出来,挥手势示意我靠边。 2名警察,一名拿着手机摄像还是拍照,一名来跟我交谈,说我不是犯了啥事,只是最近夜骑的人比较多,出了多起交通事故,让注意安全,不能穿锁鞋(锁鞋会和踏板锁死,踩拉都能发力,提升发力空间)。我没穿锁鞋,交代感谢之后就继续骑走了。



  • 骑行23.67km
  • 耗时01:20:48 平均速度17.58km/h
  • 平均心率142 有氧26分,无氧29分,VO2max 5分, 轻中度15分
  • 卡路里911

but.....回家之后吃零食,吃冷饮,喝甜酒,喝果汁。。。。我估计不止一千大卡, OMG白骑了, 以后回家坚决不买零食,仅进货少量低脂冷饮。

2022-07-28 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220727 update: raining jogging 9.8KM

晚上开始雷阵雨,骑车不得行,只能跑步了,运河->武林广场->环城西路->北山街->保俶路->文一路 9.8km, 虽然下着雨,但是因为温度低,非常适合慢跑。


  • 跑步9.8KM
  • 时间01:15:15,平均配速7分40秒
  • 平均心率156,有氧9分,无氧1小时3分,VO2max 1分
2022-07-27 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220723 update 苏堤杨公堤环线跑步7KM



  • 跑步6.87KM
  • 时间00:49:12,平均配速7分9秒
  • 平均心率174,有氧0分-_-||,无氧8分,VO2max 38分

2022-07-23 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220721 update 骑行梅家坞24.5KM



  • 骑行24.5KM
  • 耗时01:22:13 平均速度17.87km/h
  • 平均心率142 有氧25分,无氧21分,VO2max10分
  • 卡路里918
2022-07-21 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220720 update 骑行梅家坞24KM



  • 骑行23.55KM
  • 耗时01:11:50 平均速度19.67km/h
  • 平均心率152 有氧14分,无氧43分,VO2max 5分
  • 卡路里902
2022-07-20 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220719 update 雨中跑步7.8KM



  • 跑步7.88KM
  • 耗时01:01:40
  • 平均心率157 有氧12分,无氧41分,VO2max 6分
  • 卡路里815

2022-07-19 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220716 update 西湖跑步7km




  • 跑步7KM
  • 耗时:00:56:57
  • 平均心率151,有氧20分,无氧28分,VO2max 3分
  • 卡路里711
2022-07-16 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220715 update骑行梅家坞24km



  • 骑行23.4km
  • 耗时01:16:57 平均速度18.24km/h
  • 平均心率148 有氧22分,无氧27分,VO2max 13分,轻中度9分
  • 卡路里928
2022-07-15 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220712 update 西湖跑步10km



  • 跑步10KM
  • 耗时01:23:19 配速8分19秒
  • 平均心率163 有氧15分,无氧32分,VO2 max 27分
  • 卡路里 1175

大热天在后面我走路心率都上160,跑起来就直接飚180,越到后面越慢不下来了,维持速度的阻力比减速跑的阻力小多了,后面2km我直接走了,心率还是140. OMG太恐怖了,身体失控。

2022-07-12 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220710 update 骑行梅家坞24km



  • 骑行24KM
  • 耗时01:19:11, 平均速度18km/h
  • 平均心率147,有氧28分,无氧39分,最大摄氧1分
  • 卡路里942


2022-07-10 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220709 update 西湖跑步十公里




  • 跑步10KM
  • 耗时01:24:16
  • 平均心率162,有氧51秒-_-||,无氧1小时14分,最大摄氧8分钟
  • 卡路里1176
  • 配速8分24秒


  • 能量消耗大,因为过去要骑车,往返+10KM 跑步,大概会消耗1500kcal
  • 舒适,慢跑不累,风景不错
  • 安全,比骑车出事概率小多了
  • 可跑时间长,下雨、路面湿都无法骑车,但是跑步没关系(要不尝试一次细雨中跑?)
  • 不费屁股。


  • 耗时长,跑步1个半小时,但是要加上往返时间30分钟,大概要2小时,骑车1个半小时到家了
2022-07-09 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220707 update



  • 骑行24KM
  • 耗时01:34:48
  • 平均心率141,有氧27分↓,无氧36分↑,其他18+9分
  • 卡路里1047
  • 平均速度15km/h


2022-07-07 12:00:00 +0000 UTC

20220706 update





  • 骑行25KM
  • 耗时01:54:58
  • 平均心率134,有氧42分,无氧24分,其他47分
  • 卡路里 1052
  • 平均速度13.48

keep going!!!

2022-07-06 12:00:00 +0000 UTC