slan's blog

Face loneliness, or seek comfort in temporary escapes?


Priority of Daily Life

In the formula of information creation (Energy × Computation = Solid Information), energy is the most crucial component. When we feel low on energy, we should first focus on finding ways to improve our energy levels, rather than attempting tasks with depleted energy, which will only produce poor results.

2024-12-19 10:40:48 +0800 +0800

Information Creation Networks

Based on "Why Information Grows," we can express the fundamental relationship as:

Energy × Computation = Solid Information

There are three types of computational systems:

  1. Humans,
  2. Computers,
  3. Transformers(AI models).

Each system can form networks that amplify their individual capabilities:

  1. Human networks: teams, armies, companies, industries, and societies
  2. Computer networks: the Internet, blockchain systems
  3. Transformer networks: emerging AI infrastructures

Computer networks compose human networks and have significantly enhanced human networking capabilities.

I believe we will witness the emergence of transformer networks(AI models + internet + human network), creating a new form of intelligence capable of generating information with unprecedented efficiency. This network maybe we can call it: "SKYNET".

2024-12-16 15:41:37 +0800 +0800

Listen "Daniel Pink on Regrets, Timing, and Success"

Listen "Daniel Pink on Regrets, Timing, and Success"

This is a episode from "In Good Company". Nicolai Tangen interview Daniel Pink.

Understanding Regrets

  1. The importance of discussing regrets

    • People need opportunities to discuss regrets despite reluctance
    • Discussing regrets leads to personal growth
    • The "no regrets" mindset is a uniquely American phenomenon
  2. Four Types of Regrets

    • Foundation: Small early decisions that accumulate (e.g., poor financial choices)
    • Boldness: Not taking chances or risks
    • Moral: Making ethically wrong choices
    • Connection: Letting relationships drift apart
  3. Benefits of Sharing Regrets

    • Writing/talking about regrets makes them less intimidating
    • Showing vulnerability increases others' respect
    • Sharing mistakes demonstrates courage and candor
  4. Counterfactual Thinking

    • Upward ("if only"): Imagining better outcomes
    • Downward ("at least"): Considering worse possibilities

Motivation ("Drive")

  1. Mastery

    • Desire for continuous improvement
    • Progress is the key daily motivator
    • Success drives further achievement
  2. Autonomy

    • Four key dimensions: Task, Time, Technique, Team
    • Micromanagement undermines self-direction
    • Control leads to compliance or defiance
  3. Purpose

    • Learning goals superior to performance goals
    • Energy management over time management

Timing and Productivity

  1. Daily Performance Patterns

    • Time of day affects 20% of performance variance
    • Morning: Best for analytical work
    • Midday: Suitable for administrative tasks
    • Evening: Optimal for creative work
    • Night owls: Higher creativity but increased addiction risk
  2. Effective Breaks

    • Consider breaks as part of work
    • Brief breaks better than none
    • Social breaks more restorative
    • Physical movement preferred
    • Complete detachment important
    • Optimal break: 15-20 minute afternoon walk with company
  3. Napping Strategy

    • Short naps beneficial
    • "Coffee nap" (25 minutes) optimal

Career Development

  1. Career Growth

    • Job changes can increase salary
    • Align with boss's interests
  2. Career Advice

    • Learn from successful people's complex journeys
    • Make decisions based on fundamental rather than instrumental reasons
    • Evaluate roles by: enjoyment, contribution, skill utilization, and team quality
2024-12-12 12:05:37 +0800 +0800

Have a good sleep

Have a good sleep

  1. 营养:睡眠问题可以补充镁试试,入睡困难睡前2小时吃,早醒就临睡前吃。
  2. 环境:
    1. 睡前热水澡能帮助入睡,早上冷水澡帮助唤醒身体。
    2. 远离手机,把手机放在客厅。
2024-12-11 12:24:01 +0800 +0800

Goals for the Next Year

Have a truly free life:

  • Earn enough to cover living costs and achieve significant financial growth.
  • Take care of people I care about and maintain healthy relationships with them.
  • Challenge my physical limitations, control my desires, overcome my weaknesses, and improve my energy and health.
  • Build an information system to effectively process, create, and distribute information
2024-12-11 09:25:15 +0800 +0800

Read "Why Information Grows"

Read "Why Information Grows"

Fundamental Principles

  1. Information emerges from energy-driven, non-equilibrium systems

    • Information requires energy to be created
    • Information is fragile and tends to decay without proper storage
  2. Three Essential Components for Information Growth

    • Energy: Powers the emergence of new information
    • Computing Ability: Processes and transforms information
    • Storage Medium: Preserves information over time
  3. Natural Information Systems

    • Biological cells constantly process information
    • DNA serves as nature's information storage system
    • Information flow pattern: Energy → Computation → Storage

Human Information Systems

  1. Humans are unique in their ability to crystallize imagination into reality

  2. Information Creation Scales:

    • Individual Level: Small energy input → Personal ideas → Simple information
    • Societal Level: Large energy input → Network computation → Complex information
  3. Network Effects:

    • Information growth drives economic growth
    • Economic growth strengthens social networks
    • Diverse social networks generate more information
    • This creates a positive feedback loop

Framework for Evaluating Organizations and Societies

  1. Energy Capacity

    • How effectively can they harness and utilize energy?
    • What is their energy infrastructure?
  2. Computation Capability

    • Raw computing power (both human and machine)
    • Network efficiency: How well do components communicate?
    • Information processing speed and quality
  3. Storage Infrastructure

    • What mechanisms exist to preserve information?
    • How effectively can they crystallize ideas into tangible forms?
    • Quality and durability of information storage systems
2024-12-10 14:17:43 +0800 +0800

Networking of Alibaba


2024-12-09 10:30:23 +0800 +0800

Find high energy place


2024-12-05 16:08:43 +0800 +0800

I need to write

I need to create information!!!

2024-12-05 15:52:24 +0800 +0800



2024-12-03 09:10:43 +0800 +0800