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2023 US treasury bonds timeline

2023-04-23 20:04:01 +0800 +0800

2023 US treasury bonds timeline

    title Bond Events Timeline 2023
    1.19: Initial Jobless Claims not meet expectations
    2.1: Fed hike 25bps to target 4.50-4.75%
    2.3: Nonfarm Payrolls not meet expectations
        : Bonds yield rose↑
    2.14: CPI exceeds expectations
    3.2 : Fed hike 25bps to target 4.75-5.00%
    3.8 : Powell speak monetary policy, inflation is stuborn but not mentioned hike 50 bps.
        : SVB crisis
    3.12: SVB broken solution comes out
    3.14 : CPI show inflation slow down,but core CPI stubbornly unchanged
    3.30 : Initial Jobless Claims not meet expectations
    4.4 : OPEC ruduce oil production
    4.7 : Nonfarm Payrolls not meet expectations
    4.21 : PMI exceeds expectations