slan's blog


I can't change myself
2024-5-5 12:59

I used to believe that if I keep learning, keep trying, I can live however I like, can be a brand new person. But now I have to admit that is wrong, I'm a person, my parents' son, Chinese, introverted. It's my nature.

I can't change myself, but I can make myself stronger, more resilient, more capable.

How to judge future is stable or will be in chaos?
2024-5-4 23:16

Democracies: The restraint of leaders in their rhetoric during heated elections is a key indicator. Autocracies: The ability to self-correct when wrong is crucial.

2024-4-20 17:09

Scarce resources for person:

  • Time
  • Logic
  • Information

And inflation is also drive by Svarcity, if resources are scarce, the price will rise. = money/product, In the long term, product increases drive the inflation down. so the monetary policy is the key dimension to control the inflation in the short term.

Waiting is Hard
2024-4-19 16:56

I'm shorting Bonds, waiting is so hard, especially face the loss. be patient, be rational!

How will normal people live after AI replaces most of the jobs?
2024-3-31 22:38

When the U.S. manufacturing industry moved to Japan, Korea, China, lots of other jobs were created for people.

How will normal people live after AI replaces most of the jobs? That is an interesting question to investigate.

    1. How has the manufacturing industry changed in the past?
    1. Look at the current trend of AI replacing jobs
how to get collapsed bridge out of the water
2024-3-30 11:06

How will the U.S. Navy remove the collapsed bridge from the water? the bridge is so heavy that it can't be lifted by a crane. bomb it? that's a interesting engineering problem. the news is show they are planning to cut it into pieces and use multiple cranes to lift it. I will keep an eye on how they do it.

2024-3-30 9:35


截至目前,它完全正确,但是它忽略了一个变量:ai robot, 人口老龄化的速度远远慢于ai在生产制造领域替代的速度。


  • 农业机械化智能化的升级速度,生产装备降价速度是否大于 劳动人口的下降速度。
  • 工业生产领域的巨头增长速度,反应出来的,汽车,电子消费品,生活用品的价格下降速度
  • 能源生产成本,光伏每度电的发电成本

据我观察,这些指标都在以肉眼可见的速度下降,很多gpt moment会不断涌现,短期我在实际押注的是特斯拉的 FSD GPT MOMENT, elon 说不是今年就是明年,我相信它.


FOMC Meeting as expected#investment
2024-3-21 10:06

FOMC Metting and Powell's dovish speech drive the stock market up. I guess it's low risk to hold stocks until 03/29 PCE data out.

NAR Settlement#investment
2024-3-21 9:25

NAR's settlement allowed NAR to pay $418 million to recent buyers and modify the rules to potentially reduce commission fees. This could lower housing costs and ease some inflation pressure.

TK's good filter
2024-3-16 10:40



Be patient
2024-3-15 12:21

Be patient, don't do much, follow the rational plan. grow up steadily.

Controllable Nuclear Fusion
2024-3-13 9:59



MIT在搞一个类似ITER的项目SPARC,磁约束上的区别是SPARC是高温超导,ITER是低温超导, SPARC小四倍


Never give up,未来比想象更美好,更现实

2024-3-7 21:34

ECB's interest rate cut will boost U.S. bonds and stocks.

However, U.S. bond yields may be massively changed by the CPI data on 03/12. be cautious.

PCE in expectations, but not mean inflation is over.#invesment
2024-3-1 13:47

Yesterday's PCE data showed a MoM of 0.4%, which was within expectations. The market has already priced in the hot CPI and PPI data, causing a decrease in bond yield. However, this doesn't mean inflation is over. A 0.4% increase over 12 months equates to 4.8% inflation. Will it cool down? We'll need to wait for the CPI data on 03/12.

invest strategy:

  • hold stock until 03/12.
Can Bitcoin going to the moon?#invesment
2024-2-29 10:34

Btc, an attention-driven business, will peak in an economic ease cycle before declining. Eventually, it'll reach an attention limit, lose public interest, and fare worse than gold.

Wired bonds#invesment
2024-2-26 10:36

Despite high inflation expectations, Treasury bond yields are declining, possibly due to risk aversion-driven demand before PCE release. This is evident as the stock market drops and short-term yields rise back today, while long-term yields still fall.

How to rough estimate TLT price change from treasury yield change#invesment
2024-2-17 21:18

TLT price ~= Treasury yield change

example: US 20-year treasury yield change from 4.4% to 4.3%,

  • treasury yield change : 4.4 - 4.3 = 0.1, change =0.1/4.4 = 2.27%
  • TLT price change ~= 2.27%
Poem from Tahrez
2024-1-22 16:12

Let warring ways be banished from the world.

Let justice everywhere its carpet throw.

May Friendship reconcile ancient hatreds.

May Love grow from the seed of love we sow.

Fuck the Low Mood
2024-1-17 16:17

Forgive me, God, or whatever you are. Whether you forgive me or not, I don't care.

What I should do:

  • Train, do my best to improve myself, no matter how hard it is, I can do it!
  • Rest, this is part of training, do it!
  • Create, build the list, finish the list!
Pure consumption leads to my anxiety
2024-1-17 16:03

I'm somewhat down today. A high amount of listening has made me not want to do anything. I'm tired!

I need some change.

Family Guy
2024-1-12 11:32

Can't wait to announce that I'm a fans of the animated sitcom Family Guy.

Listening The Daily's "The Afterlife of a gun"
2024-1-10 12:59

What happens to guns that nobody wants any more?

In U.S. police departments, many firearms are kept from confiscations, buyback programs, and other sources. There are usually 2 ways to dispose of them:

  • melt it down
  • destroy it by blowtorch or sledgehammer

But what people commonly don't know is that a company called Gun Busters provides a free service. They will destroy the gun by just destroying one piece like the receiver or the frame (which is allowed by law). However, the problem is that the gun isn't fully destroyed. They also sell the materials to others, and these materials can be used to make new guns.

I will Never! Never! Never forgive those who start and support the war!
2024-1-10 9:59

In just one second, a little boy lost his mother in Gaza. There are thousands of unseen tragedies in the war.

Explore, from exhausted to satisfied
2024-1-7 16:54



于是我拿着赔偿款可以够一够next level的耳机了,看评测,发现舒适度排行第一的耳机Sony WH CH720n, 索尼的无线耳机xm4我买过,重,不舒适,降噪虽强但是极度不适应,所以出了,这个720号称是索尼最轻的包头耳机,于是我决定给他一个机会。

已经等了两三天了,我不想再等了,京东769次日达,淘宝海外自营679,2天后达 当然是选便宜的,本来下单了,看到了同城自提只有10km,又心痒了,没骑一会,大货车呼啸带过来的灰尘让我想起一句话:“不要花时间在低于自己时间价值的事情上”,一个闪送三十块,干嘛要自己去取。来都来了只能硬着头皮去继续骑,只能安慰自己我是在体验贫穷,好让我知道没钱是多么艰难。出了绕城,来到一片工地包围的写字楼,终于拿到了货。命运的齿轮开始转动,心情从最低谷开始上升。



Happy New Year!
2024-1-1 1:43

Just came back from the New Year's Countdown Activity. 2023 is gone, the past year is full of loving memories. Thanks to all the people who have come into my life, with your love, I have the courage to face the unknown future. I love you all.

In 2024, I will do my best to love, love my family, love myself, love my friends, love the world.

The end, try other lists...