slan's blog


2024-4-20 17:09

Scarce resources for person:

  • Time
  • Logic
  • Information

And inflation is also drive by Svarcity, if resources are scarce, the price will rise. = money/product, In the long term, product increases drive the inflation down. so the monetary policy is the key dimension to control the inflation in the short term.

2024-3-30 9:35


截至目前,它完全正确,但是它忽略了一个变量:ai robot, 人口老龄化的速度远远慢于ai在生产制造领域替代的速度。


  • 农业机械化智能化的升级速度,生产装备降价速度是否大于 劳动人口的下降速度。
  • 工业生产领域的巨头增长速度,反应出来的,汽车,电子消费品,生活用品的价格下降速度
  • 能源生产成本,光伏每度电的发电成本

据我观察,这些指标都在以肉眼可见的速度下降,很多gpt moment会不断涌现,短期我在实际押注的是特斯拉的 FSD GPT MOMENT, elon 说不是今年就是明年,我相信它.


FOMC Meeting as expected#investment
2024-3-21 10:06

FOMC Metting and Powell's dovish speech drive the stock market up. I guess it's low risk to hold stocks until 03/29 PCE data out.

NAR Settlement#investment
2024-3-21 9:25

NAR's settlement allowed NAR to pay $418 million to recent buyers and modify the rules to potentially reduce commission fees. This could lower housing costs and ease some inflation pressure.

The end, try other lists...